Why is it the Border Traffic never shows up my HD Traffic?

Oct 5, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
Live 1535
Thinking today as I sat in a 90 minute lineup 2500 feet from the USA border here in Surrey BC .. why is it the stopped/ slow traffic doesn't show in my HD traffic traffic bar as it does for the rest of my daily commute during the day .?? . I mean The radio stations are all reporting a 60 to 75 minute wait at the border.. My GPS is reporting back to the satellites the slowness of my signal across the board for my whereabouts and others near me the same.. So it can't be because Tom Tom isn't aware of this ...... Can't be because it is too close to the International Border as I haven't crossed it yet.. and if I did there is no wait on the other side..
Why won't HD Traffic report this delay? and in 'so many minutes' as it show me (i.e.) 4 minute delay in my commute in the afternoon coming home??????

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