Updating maps stuck on 100% checking

Apr 1, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Go 6100
Have TomTom Go 6100 connected to MyDrive Connect on laptop via orignal usb cable.
Have uninstalled & reinstalled MyDrive Connect on laptop on Windows 10.
I have enough memory.

When I select one of the available updates, such as 'Speed camera Updates Europe' with a tick, then select the red button 'Update Selected' - it then shows 'getting ready' then 'checking' on laptop but then gets stuck on '100%'; the maps are not downloading to TomTom.

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to remedy to downnload maps.
Click on the Tomtom icon at the bottom right then empty the Mydrive connect cache setting then try to download your speed cameras again.
Click on the Tomtom icon at the bottom right then empty the Mydrive connect cache setting then try to download your speed cameras again.
Thanks for your reply, can't find this.
Where (on MyDrive Connect or TomTom 6100?) will I find Tomtom icon at the bottom right.
It's the Tomtom icon at the bottom of your computer.
Thanks for your reply. It seems I have 45GB in cache; I’m not convinced I’ve set it correctly to clear cache. (Sorry I’m not that savvy with IT).

Meanwhile, I connected TomTom to an old laptop and it’s currently downloading maps to TomTom device!

I wonder, if the issue I experienced in trying to upload maps via old laptop to TomTom was to do with a setting to automatically download files to old laptop between 4- 8pm? (Hence why maps are uploading to TomTom now?).

Do the files need to download to laptop and then they are copied (not transferred) to TomTom device? (So that every updated map downloaded to laptop remains on laptop)

Many thanks.
This is because the mydrive connect cache on your computer is full. You download to a new computer which is empty of Tomtom files so it should work

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