GO Exclusive versus Superior Premium

Apr 15, 2024
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
GO 600
I have received an email regarding replacing my GO 600 with either a GO Exclusive at £252:88 or.....

a GO Superior Premium Pack at £301:42.

Only thing I don't understand, the Superior is £50 more for less facilities and shorter trial periods. I know I'm getting on in life but can someone tell me what I am missing?

I am an ordinary car driver, no trailers, motorhomes or 16 axle behemoths.

GO Exclusive at 252.88 wouldn't it be rather the opposite 252.88 for the GO Superior 6 is GO Exclusive at 301?
That's why I am confused. Hopefully you can see the attached. The trial periods for the Exclusive are 1.5 years and the Superior are 1 year.



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I would like to point out that on GO Exclusive Tomtom gives you a 35% discount while on GO Superior Tomtom only gives you 10%.
If I had to choose between the 2, I would choose the GO Exclusive.
Seems to be a matter of marketing only. They may have gotten stuck with too many at the higher list price

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Thanks. That's the conclusion I was arriving at but their marketing could do with improving. To put it simply, if I was advertising the Exclusive at the given price, I wouldn't have mentioned the Superior at all which stands out as an inferior product at a greater price.
Hi, yes I thought it was strange more money for less features - BUT I think if you scroll down that page it shows, under Go Smarter, 7 Premium Live extra data services, so maybe if Go Superior Premium Pack includes those 7, it may explain why they try to charge £50 extra.
Has anyone tried purchasing one of these special offers? I tried to purchase the Go Exclusive, but it takes me to a page that says my basket is empty and then the Go Exclusive does not exist on their website as an option to purchase.
Has anyone tried purchasing one of these special offers? I tried to purchase the Go Exclusive, but it takes me to a page that says my basket is empty and then the Go Exclusive does not exist on their website as an option to purchase.
In France the GO Exclusive is out of stock I think this also applies to the United Kingdom.
Be advised.. i too stood for the same questions.. As far as i can find the correct info.. the exclusive is early 2022, the superior is mid 2023.

Unfortunately nowadays It is a logical step for suppliers to limit free / upgrades / etc..

Also, since they made Camper models right now, they limit functionality on Superior that were there on Exclusive model.. That too is purely a commercial limitation so they have a reason to market their camper models i think.

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