Britannica scheme anyone!

The first download link is for a zip file of all of the original built-in schemes (or close approximations of them)
It lists the Brittanica scheme as 'britania.clr', but I suspect that's just a typo.
(As was the original naming by TomTom - it should really be "Britannica" with one T and two N's if it's named after the Encyclopaedia etc!)

Can I also recommend the "GB_New" scheme, near the bottom of that same page? That's the one I always use. There are also UK-Alt and UK-OS (ordinance Survey colours) too.

The first download link is for a zip file of all of the original built-in schemes (or close approximations of them)
It lists the Brittanica scheme as 'britania.clr', but I suspect that's just a typo.
(As was the original naming by TomTom - it should really be "Britannica" with one T and two N's if it's named after the Encyclopaedia etc!)

Can I also recommend the "GB_New" scheme, near the bottom of that same page? That's the one I always use. There are also UK-Alt and UK-OS (ordinance Survey colours) too.

Excellent! Will give it a try in the morning, someone sent me a link for the Britannia which I installed but still not the one I am looking for. But at least it's a start and I appreciate the help.
Thanks again..:)
One other thing... I've noticed some subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) differences in how schemes from the old NAV2 models look once they have been ported over onto a NAV3 model.
One other thing... I've noticed some subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) differences in how schemes from the old NAV2 models look once they have been ported over onto a NAV3 model.

Will have a look, good to have schemes I can change hen I want to and also voices. I have a few hundred somewhere in a spare hard drive.....

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