"Home" colour schemes?

Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, Canada
TomTom Model(s)
Sony XNV-660BT
Forgive me if I've posted in the wrong area, but I have a question about a post made back in 2007 about someone looking for a colour scheme that matched the Nissan Pathfinder. dnh responds:

"Have you tried Home's offering of (community) colour schemes? There are lots. The only problem is you can't preview them so you have to go by a description."

Can someone lead me in the direction to this? Is it a web site or something else?

This link shows how to add, remove, copy colour schemes, but is there actually a site on TomTom (or elsewhere) that I can download colour schemes? I've been to tons of them but any hidden or hard to find sites out there? Does TomTom itself have an area where the allow you to download colour schemes?

Older devices used Home as the interface between the device and TomTom's servers. Get it at tomtom.com/home

Within Home, there is the icon to add items to your device. See the attached:


One choice, as you can see, is Color Schemes.
If you're looking for anything specific, maybe someone who still uses Home could find it and download it for you?

I think PGPSW also had some user-supplied colour schemes on their website (they certainly have a car-cursor collection)
I only thought I may have seen some in their forum posts, not as an organised collection (like the car icons are). You'll have to search for them.
Apologies in advance if my memory has been playing tricks though.


However, now my brain is working better (And I'm able to access my bookmarks), the BEST source of map colour schemes I know of is here:

Checkout the tabs for "schemes 1", "schemes 2" and "schemes 3"

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