Another Newbie Question

Sep 7, 2009
I have the Go740Live, and have managed to connect it via bluetooth to my LG VX9900. Then the unit asked me if I wanted to copy over my phone book. I answered YES and it said it would take a few minutes. I've tried twice, waiting an hour each time, and all it says is that the GPS is busy copying my phone book. The product page on TomTom's web site says it will copy the phone book, and the unit says the same thing. The compatibility page doesn't show the Go740Live at all, but we know it does hands free calling. If it does copy the phone book, how long does it take to copy it over? If it doesn't copy the phone book, why is it asking me if I want to? Thanks.
How many entries are in your phone book? a hundred or so would take a couple of minutes so something isnt quite right - Mike
There's only about 25 entries in my cell phone. There's also 250 mb of free space in the internal memory of the 740, plus 2 gb of space on the memory card, so storage is not the problem. Somewhat frustrating to say the least.
Did you upgrade to app 8.370? Phonebook transfer was supposed to be improved between the preinstalled 8.312 app and the 8.370 update.

Of course hands free bugs were introduced in 8.370, so you have to pick your poison.
Yes. I checked system information and the app is 8370. I've pretty much given up on trying to transfer the phone book. Since I posted the question I did a few reviews on the 740, and although reviewers like the unit in general, I was surprised to see many comments that they were unable to transfer the phonebook, or even connect with some supposedly compatible phones. One other thing I find interesting is that I can't access my mobile phone from the TomTom Home software. When I turn on the 740, it says it's connected to my phone. But as we know, it will not transfer the phonebook, and it just drains my battery sitting here waiting. So I connected the unit to the PC and launched the TomTom Home software and navigated to 'Operate My GO'. I thought I would try the transfer this way. However, the mobile phone app is grayed out blocking any access. It would seem that TomTom has some homework to do. Thanks for your input.
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Tap the satellite bars on the unit. The next screen shows the application version installed.
Yes. I checked system information and the app is 8370. I've pretty much given up on trying to transfer the phone book. Since I posted the question I did a few reviews on the 740, and although reviewers like the unit in general, I was surprised to see many comments that they were unable to transfer the phonebook, or even connect with some supposedly compatible phones. One other thing I find interesting is that I can't access my mobile phone from the TomTom Home software. When I turn on the 740, it says it's connected to my phone. But as we know, it will not transfer the phonebook, and it just drains my battery sitting here waiting. So I connected the unit to the PC and launched the TomTom Home software and navigated to 'Operate My GO'. I thought I would try the transfer this way. However, the mobile phone app is grayed out blocking any access. It would seem that TomTom has some homework to do. Thanks for your input.

Operate my GO is an emulator, which "fakes" a bunch of things so that the app can work. For example, it fakes the GPS location to whatever you set it to. And it fakes "connecting to a phone" so that the app can pick up traffic data. My phone has a "pair/unpair" announcement and it unpairs whenever the Tomtom docks.

Phonebook transfer, and bluetooth in general, is very unreliable with Tomtoms. If you phonebook doesn't transfer, you can manually create the contacts.txt file in this format.
Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work for the 740. There's already a folder called Contacts. Within this folder there are 3 other folders. They're labeled Buddies.dat, Called and Inbox. I would assume the Buddies.Dat is the file to edit. However, Windows reports it can't open this folder, and directs me to a web search which isn't much help. Properties says that this folder opens with Windows Shell Common. I can't find much in the way of opening that type of file. I suppose I could try renaming it, editing it, and then putting back the original name, but I'm reluctant, as I don't want to screw anything up, and I don't know that it will work anyway. I found that the Called subfolder is editable with notepad, so I was able to insert 10 names and numbers that it seems to retain. I can access these with the 'Recently Called' function on the 740. In a way that works as a small indirect phonebook although it only retains the last 10 numbers, and will obviously change as I call different numbers. As a last resort I tried creating my own Contacts folder, but try as I might, it will only retain the property of 'Read Only'. I've edited the properties to take away the Read Only Tag, hit the Apply button, only to find it reverts to Read Only, so I can't edit it. I suppose I should contact customer support and see what they say about manual entries, but for the money this unit cost me, I think it's ridiculous to have to do that. Anyway, thanks for your help.
Buddies.dat has nothing to do with bluetooth, phone or contacts. That's the stored data for TomTomBuddies. I've used it with one other 740 owner and I do kind of like it. You can message back and forth and see where your "buddy" is now. More of a friend's circle.
Thanks for that info. I've contacted Customer Support and asked them how I should go about manually creating a phonebook on the 740. I'll let everyone know what they say.

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