What with all the spam bots!

Oct 31, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
Earlier I noticed about 20+ new posts from a spammer. 99% chance it was a spam bot. I myself own and run 3 forums and I know there are mods that prevent spam bots from completing the registration (I know as I have installed them on 30+ forums) so why is there nothing here like that? Kinda frustrating when you log in and see a ton of posts for porn or other junk. Just my .02 cents. Sorry. ;)

Get some anti-spam controls here and stop it dead in its tracks! Trust me, It works.
You can send a pm to one of the admins, John or Jason. It is they who have control of the software used here.

We mods can delete posts and as a super mod I can (and do) ban the spammers when I see them as do the other super mods.

We moderators are just volunteers here and really do have lives, as you can appreciate. :eek:. So, sometimes, none of us are here.

We try our best and want this board to be spam free just as much as, if not more, than everone.
You guys are certainly doing a great job thats for sure so dont stop. Just trying to help make things smoother here if I can. :)
Yea, TomTom Forums got hit pretty badly today. I saw one of the spammers had 29 posts! When I first saw the number of posts, I thought to myself "Why hasn't this person been banned before??" and then I realized, that person posted all of those threads all in a very short amount of time.

I still don't understand why they don't have people verify their email adresses by sending an activation link.
We moderators are just volunteers here and really do have lives, as you can appreciate. :eek:. So, sometimes, none of us are here.

I'm not sure if "pin resetting" your TomTom all day counts as having a life :p I know that's what you do when you are not logged in to the forums.
Nah, I wouldn't dare do it to my unit. I'm afraid. So I advise others to try it on theirs.

JUST KIDDING! :) :p :D ;)
I see that nothing has changed in the last few weeks.

It would be much easier on the mods if the admins would just setup this forum to moderate the first few posts. It really does work but since nothing has been done for months I guess the admins either don't have the time or don't care.
Are any of the founders/admins/owners of the site even around here? I see a bunch of mods and thats it so far. Have yet to see an active admin. :confused:
Thanks for the info. I have deleted their posts and banned the spammer. If you happen to see more down the road, just click on the "exclamation" icon below their reputation status.
This will send and automatic email to all the mods immediately so we can take care of it.

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