TTN6 New User Questions

Nov 19, 2007
Hi all. I just got Navigator 6 and am using it on a PDA. Are there any more complete instructions for TT6 available? The instructions that came with the software are incomplete, and I have a few questions. #1- From time to time, there appears on the lower right of my display a triangular icon. What does that mean? #2- I installed satellite images to my PDA which were on the DVD, yet there are no instructions as to how to access them. Has anyone figured these things out? Is there a PDF somewhere which will give me more complete documentation? Thanks for your help! -Steve
Thanks for your quick response! The link you gave me takes me to the correct manual (thank you!) however it has very little detail about the program (including my two questions, and any explanation of the icons). This is the manual that came with the software. I did try zooming in and out, but there is no sign of any satellite images, even though they are shown as correctly installed on my device.
If you could post a photo of the icon maybe i'll remember. The interface between Nav6 and PNA devices like my Go910 are the same. The satellite images only appear when the functions Navigate to..., Prepare route, or Browse map are used and not when navigating a route perse.
I managed to get a screen shot, but I can't seem to cut and paste it here. How do I post a PDA screen shot? Thanks
Screen shot of Icon

Thanks for your help! Attached is a screen shot of my PDA running TT6 with the mystery triangular icon in the lower right. -Steve


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I could be mistaken, but if I remember correctly that is a warning for icy road conditions. We don't get those very often here in Southern California but I remember seeing it a couple of times and I think that what it means.
however I believe satelite images are used depending on the zoom factor when a route is calculated.

Assuming that things work the same as the TomTom AIO units... When you are in Browse mode the satellite images are displayed when you zoom way out IF you have Images chosen from the list of what to display on the map. There should be an options button in the browse screen to control this.

But the included images are really terrible IMO, highly compressed JPEGs. I threw the preloaded images away on my unit because they looked so bad. However, you can use this same feature to do something really cool - see my posts halfway down this page:

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