traffic not working

Jul 3, 2007
oakland, ca
TomTom Model(s)
910, 730
2 weeks ago when i went to update the traffic on my tt910, i got the message "no traffic information available for this region". i called tt and they told me that it was that my subscription expired and they reset it and i had to wait 48 hours. after that time, still no traffic. so i called back and was told that apparently i am the only one that has reported this. it was suggested that i do a "reset factory settings" so i backed up and did it, same issues. i was told by tt tech that they have reported the issue to the uk for assistance. does anyone have the same issues? any suggestions on how to fix it?

paulette :)

I had the same problem -- subscription expired -- the rep I spoke with had me hang on the phone while it was reset (about 5 min) -- when he came back on the phone he said I was all set and that it would be good for 6 months -- he also said that they would be starting to charge in Sept. but I would still get the balance of the six months -- when I went out to my car it worked fine -- FYI - I'm located in upstate NY and am using a tt510 -- question - are you sure your connected to your phone ?? -- on a couple occasions I have had to re"pair" the tt and the phone --

Hope this helps

i thought i wasn't connected as well, but tomtom told me that my sybscription hadn't expired. that was the weird part for them as well. after they reset it, it still didn't work. i am connected to my phone because i can log in and download the gpsfix and voices and color maps. i'm located in oakland, ca
thanks for the help. i am open to all suggestions.

paulette :)

have you tried going to the tt site (not through tt home) and checking your profile -- if everything else is working it does not make sense -- I have found that the service you get varies a lot from tech to tech -- also I believe I saw in another post that you hacked Nextel to get the connection -- I have Sprint and went under "other -manual setup" and left everything blank except the connection number which is #777 -- tt does not play nice with Sprint Power Vision so I have to disconnect SPV before using tt -- other than that it works fine --


When I tried to logon to traffic a notice would come up to tell me that my subscription had expired. I called TomTom and the tech told me that he would reset it and to wait for 48 hours. I waited and could still not connect to traffic. After several calls to TomTom I finally was able to log on to traffic by going to Change Preferences/Edit TomTom Plus account and putting in my username and password that I use in Home to logon to check for updates.
traffic not working - now fixed!

when i checked my account on the tomtom webpage, i discovered that there was a traffic.dat file attached to my records. tt never told me about this file, so i copied the file and then proceeded, through trial & error, to find out that i was missing that file in the map directories (puerto rico, guam, north america, western europe) so when i copied the file to those directories, my traffic began to work. it first told me it was out of date, but when i reconnected to the website via bluetooth and updated it, it worked fine. now mind you, i have no idea what happened to this dat file and how it became missing in all 4 directories, but it now works. just an fyi for those who may have the same trouble.
when i checked my account on the tomtom webpage, i discovered that there was a traffic.dat file attached to my records. tt never told me about this file, so i copied the file and then proceeded, through trial & error, to find out that i was missing that file in the map directories (puerto rico, guam, north america, western europe) so when i copied the file to those directories, my traffic began to work. it first told me it was out of date, but when i reconnected to the website via bluetooth and updated it, it worked fine. now mind you, i have no idea what happened to this dat file and how it became missing in all 4 directories, but it now works. just an fyi for those who may have the same trouble.

where is my records
No Traffic Information available for this region

Me too !

After a 'routine' update of my TomTom910 via 'Home' on c. 25th August, I now also only receive 'No Traffic Information available for this region' when trying to enable Traffic. I have paid my subscription. This is not the issue.

TT Support suggested a total re-build and re-load of all elements of my TT910, after carrying out manual and 'Home' run backups of my TomTom, including a re-format of the TT910's hard disc! There has to be a simpler fix!? All other elements of my TT910 still work normally. It is only Traffic that is no longer working since this update (including a map update).

Sense would indicate that it is one small feature that needs correcting, not the whole device. I really would appreciate a sensible solution to this.

This update you refer to is a map update, I presume.

Use Explorer and look at the contents of your unit. Do you see in the map folder two files called traffic.dat and tmccodes.dat? If so, what size are they? Are they 0 bytes? If so, extract the same 2 files from the compressed map .cab file you downloaded and copy the 2 files to the map folder on your unit.
This update you refer to is a map update, I presume.

Use Explorer and look at the contents of your unit. Do you see in the map folder two files called traffic.dat and tmccodes.dat? If so, what size are they? Are they 0 bytes? If so, extract the same 2 files from the compressed map .cab file you downloaded and copy the 2 files to the map folder on your unit.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! I have re-opened the same issue ticket with TT support 3 times now, and they apologize, but have not figured out the problem (traffice stopped working right after I updated my maps via the quarterly map update program).

I found versions of the traffic.dat and tmccodes.dat in one of my other maps, that were not zero bytes, I copied them into the new map, and enabled traffic successfully, and updated traffic as normal.
I found versions of the traffic.dat and tmccodes.dat in one of my other maps, that were not zero bytes, I copied them into the new map, and enabled traffic successfully, and updated traffic as normal.

While it may be only a minimal difference, I recommend using the non-zero files from your current map. That way if any traffic-enabled roads change you get an update.

The files are in the huge zip file under mydocuments\tomtom\home\download\map (look in the latest dated subfolder there)
2 weeks ago when i went to update the traffic on my tt910, i got the message "no traffic information available for this region". i called tt and they told me that it was that my subscription expired and they reset it and i had to wait 48 hours. after that time, still no traffic. so i called back and was told that apparently i am the only one that has reported this. it was suggested that i do a "reset factory settings" so i backed up and did it, same issues. i was told by tt tech that they have reported the issue to the uk for assistance. does anyone have the same issues? any suggestions on how to fix it?

paulette :)
Had the same problem in the UK when I was there two weeks ago. Got back to Switzerland and reported the incident and after a few phone calls had to send the unit back. Got a rplacement this week and still not working on the trafic now they say its a problem where <<I live and that if I go away it should work. Waiting to see what happens nowwr

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