Nightmare! Problems with TomTom ONE IQ Routes MAPS

Aug 28, 2009
Oh my god, it all started with a simple error when I tried updating using TomTom HOME.

I used the solutions suggested on the official website, but none seemed to fix the issue. So I went elsewhere and read about how if you deleted the content of folders (such as the folder containing GPSFix), using HOME you could resolve the issue of updates not appearing. So I backed up my United_Kingdom_and_Ireland map files using HOME, then proceeded to delete them.

Then I tried using HOME to find the map, but the free one didn't show up like it used to.

So then I tried copying the original backed up copy onto TomTom again, and this is the error I get now whenever I try to update the device:

ERROR: 203/# Error from server: There is a problem on the TomTom HOME server, please try again later.
There is a problem on the TomTom HOME server, please try again later.
Error code: 203
Additional information: info = [object]
info.func = [string] shop/getNewestVersions
info.args = [object]
info.args.price = [string] free
info.args.includeMissing = [boolean] true
info.args.deviceCode = [string] AKTYQD2E6A
info.args.deviceModel = [string] one2009_plus_2048
info.args.deviceCapabilities = [string] ArrivalSounds CarSymbol Caymann Documents Durham HomeBackup InternalFlash Itinerary Leeway LinkVolumeToSpeed MapOverlays MapShare Newyork NotAutomotiveEmbedded PlusEphemeris PlusFuelPrices RDSTMC SDSlot StartupImage SupportGetAMap SuspendImage Traffic VoiceBrowser WarningSounds screensize=320x240
info.args.deviceParameters = [string] {"ApplicationVersion":"1239","ApplicationVersionVersionNumber":"8414","VehicleBrand":"","VehicleModel":""}
info.args.deviceSerial = [string] PS6129B03495
info.args.deviceNavcoreVersion = [string] 8.414
info.args.deviceNavcoreBuild = [string] 1239
info.args.publicBeta = [boolean] false

info.method = [string] POST
info.useCache = [string] true
info.dryRun = [string] false
info.xmluploadbody = [xml] <getnewestversions>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>
<content idurl=""/>

Severity: 1103
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:468
xmluploadbody: this.xmluploadbody
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:430
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:277
this.request.onload = function() { me._done(true); }

Time: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:32:24 GMT
Now I am getting this message, after checking for latest map release guarentee:

ERROR: 203/# Error from server: There is a problem on the TomTom HOME server, please try again later.
There is a problem on the TomTom HOME server, please try again later.
Error code: 203
Additional information: info = [object]
info.func = [string] shop/latestMapGuarantee
info.args = [object]
info.args.deviceModel = [string] one2009_plus_2048
info.args.deviceSerial = [string] PS6129B03495
info.args.deviceCode = [string] AKTYQD2E6A
info.args.deviceCapabilities = [string] ArrivalSounds CarSymbol Caymann Documents Durham HomeBackup InternalFlash Itinerary Leeway LinkVolumeToSpeed MapOverlays MapShare Newyork NotAutomotiveEmbedded PlusEphemeris PlusFuelPrices RDSTMC SDSlot StartupImage SupportGetAMap SuspendImage Traffic VoiceBrowser WarningSounds screensize=320x240
info.args.deviceParameters = [string] {"ApplicationVersion":"1239","ApplicationVersionVersionNumber":"8414","VehicleBrand":"","VehicleModel":""}
info.args.deviceNavcoreVersion = [string] 8.414
info.args.operatingSystem = [string] windows

info.method = [string] POST
info.useCache = [string] false
info.dryRun = [string] false
info.xmluploadbody = [xml] <lmg>
<location fud="A1UoqjSWwTtmJcp8JQ==">
<installed-map idstr="United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland" version="830.2305" active="true">
<certificate name="United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland-35.meta.dct">BAAAAFRNZ9SkrdKBQiuna5mWmvo6F+J0XUrxOfP0XrgFhdENSay7B4bhLm25so0NcFlU1zVgZsWbHUqvCVbyfYc+aezEplnCABtQGEaxBtluW5Iv7o8H2Vl+yKRDgfIjNNOuvG52X9/xPZ+2HKK5peawAROeMxI1x3u9FHPm67CDJRx+</certificate>

Severity: 1105
0. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:468
xmluploadbody: this.xmluploadbody
1. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:430
2. chrome://tthome/content/logic/comm.js:277
this.request.onload = function() { me._done(true); }

Time: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 16:34:22 GMT

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