Update nightmare on my Via 135

Mar 9, 2007
TomTom Model(s)
Via 135. "Lifetime" Europe map. Purchased USA map. Old TT GO 930T as backup and for ITN use!
I've never had a problem updating this in the past. Now gone into an eternal loop of updates failing and the TomTom servers insisting that the current updates have to be downloaded.

I managed to get my Europe map reinstalled onto the device memory (It was on the SD card - and MyConnect reported that it had become "corrupted". So with some help from TomTom support, I removed the USA map I had on the device memory to allow Europe to be installed).

In case there were problems with my old card, I have purchased a new 8Gb SD card which the TomTom has formatted correctly. Now trying to get the USA map installed onto that, but again the map is corrupted and I can get no further. So many times has the "update" installed, but the device reports there has been a problem and the USA map cannot be found though the appropriate amount of memory has been used on the card which equates to the USA map.

TomTom support are insisting that it must be my Internet connection, firewall or virus software causing the problem and that I must fix this before I can do any more (This is the stuff they told me to do....

The following information is quite technical, however if you explain the following information to your security provider's Customer Support, they will understand what exceptions need to be created in order for the TomTom to connect normally and the map information to transfer over to your device:
1) The TomTom connects to the PC as a network adapter that generates its own network on the PC for it to update.
2) Make sure that MyDrive ("MyDriveConnect.exe") is authorized to all communication.
3) The firewall's settings might require knowledge of ports used in MyDriveConnect. All the communication (inbound and outbound, local and remote) via the following TCP ports should be allowed:
80 - Main communication port
443 - HTTPS (required for logins, associations and all kind of encrypted contents)
3128, 3129 - Internal communication ports
4000 - The Web connector port of MyTomTom (to communicate with the browser)
If this still fails then change the anti-virus AND firewall software installed on your computer. If this again did not resolve the issue, try a different computer AND Internet connection."

My answer to all that is WHAT?! I am using the same device, connected to the same computer with the same anti-virus software using the same Internet connection via the same router that I always have. And, of course, yesterday successfully downloaded and installed the Europe map. Could it be possible, I am asking myself, that all these security issues only apply when installing to the SD card?

I have no idea what to do next. Can anyone help me, please? At least I have Europe working which is what I need at the moment but will be needing the USA map in the not too distant future. I have wasted 3 days on this already! Thanks!
You could try temporarily disabling the antivirus package. Also, clear the cache in Settings of MyDriveConnect. Further, you might try unchecking the 'save large files to computer' prior to try downloading the US map.
Thanks. I'll try disabling anti-virus. I've already tried the other suggestions.
What device are you using? You say you are using MyDrive Connect to update but your problems sound pretty much like what I had with my GO 930 last October. There too the updating of the USA and Canada map corrected my internal and I ended up having to delete my Europe map off the SD and put my USA map there.
Profile doesn't indicate it, but his topic header says Via 135, a Nav3 device.
You wish I should read the header now?

Actually that makes more sense with the rest of the OP's post.
I have not updated the 1535 in almost a year now. I may do that, depending on Lupe's clarification.
Yes, sorry, I had not updated my status. At first I couldn't find how to do it. Now done! My technological life seems difficult at the moment.

Yes, I deleted the USA map which was on device memory in order to install Europe map there as it was corrupted and would not update on the SD card. Now I cannot install the USA map onto the SD card. Same thing is happening as to the Europe map when it was there!
I contacted my Internet service provider with all the guff provided by TomTom. He suggested trying the update on a different PC (my laptop) with Firewall and Antivirus turned off. Just tried it and it worked. So my nightmare is over for the time being! Thanks guys and hope your problems are solved as easily as mine was....eventually.
Glad to hear you got it sorted.
The firewall/AV business is not that uncommon with some ISPs. That is why dhn recommended it in the beginning.

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