Cuckoo Sound


No data.chk? Every unit since at least the x20 GO series had one of those. It's the first file that users delete, thinking it's a result of Microsoft 'file fragment garbage collection'. :eek:
Double check your root directory. If there isn't one there, it's missing from your unit!
Double check your root directory. If there isn't one there, it's missing from your unit!
Uuugh, that root directory.
Yup, it is there, dated the day I started up the device, 2008-Jun-05.

It is about 4.4 MB but, how do you get from there to the individual OGG files?
Yup every TT I've every owned or seen has a data.chk in the root.

IIRC I used VIFTOOL to extract the individual .oggs ....OR I might have just done an audio dump to PC and edited them up myself.

I reckon yours should work too canderson, in the blurb it says "3. The output file will be in the same folder as your selected input file, the file name will be "new_ " followed by the original filename eg if the source file was data.chk the new file will be called new_data.chk"

Anyway... we digress....does anyone still need the "moo"?
RE "POI SOundpatcher"

If I remember correctly, it was an old way to add your own sounds to a TomTom by re-coding the data.chk file. It kept the original sound fx "slots" but you could change the data inside them. So you would still select "cow" or "cuckoo" in the menu, but it would actually play something else.
On later models it became a bit redundant as you could add your own .oggs or .wavs into the "sounds" folder instead.

I THOUGHT, you could also use it to extract the individual sounds as .oggs (I'm sure I've done it before, now I've looked at the front panel of the program), but when I tried it again just now on a very old data.chk, it produced only the navigation voice instructions (and they were duff files too)

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