Creating categories for Favorites/editing locations of saved Favorites

Oct 19, 2008
TomTom Model(s)
S/w is on HP iPAQ rx5915

Sorry if this is covered elsewhere but a forums search isn't returning anything I can use. Anyway, here are my two newbie questions:

1. Is there a way with TT s/w to categorize Favorites saved?
2. Is there some way to set a current favorite's location as being equivalent to the current location of the unit?

I am asking because I also use a Garmin iQue 3600, which is no longer supported by Garmin, and decided that even though it serves my needs, it makes sense for me to transition to a supported model of GPS/PDA *before* the unit eventually croaks, as all things must, and so having two GPS/PDA units is a good strategy to avoid being without one (I have zero sense of direction, which is why I basically need to have one). I also like that my new unit has wi-fi support and runs Windows CE, too (I am using TT on an HP iPAQ rx5915 unit). Anyway, my Garmin unit lets me set the exact location for a waypoint by replacing the stored waypoint ("favorite" in TT parlance) in its Addresses application with the current exact location I am at. This means for example when I am going to a store in a mall area, once I find the actual storefront, I can set the entry saved in my Addresses app with that exact current location. [All too often, when going to stores in malls for example, the unit takes me to the mall but to some defined point representing the entire mall, not the actual location of the store in the mall. This is also true for recreational parks, for example, or office parks, etc.]

Thanks for any answers you can give and sorry if this is already addressed elsewhere, but like I said, a search came up with nothing.
1. There is no way to organize Favorites. And I believe that there is a limit of 24, if I recall. If you have many and you want categories, you can save them instead as POI's. You will have to create your own POI category first.

2. Yes, you can save a Favorite as a Latitude/Longitude. But the unit is designed to 'snap' to the road. So if your point is off-road i.e. in the middle of a large mall's parking lot, you may have problems locating your car.

Thanks! Appreciate you taking the time to reply.

1. There is no way to organize Favorites. And I believe that there is a limit of 24, if I recall. If you have many and you want categories, you can save them instead as POI's. You will have to create your own POI category first.

2. Yes, you can save a Favorite as a Latitude/Longitude. But the unit is designed to 'snap' to the road. So if your point is off-road i.e. in the middle of a large mall's parking lot, you may have problems locating your car.
1. There is no way to organize Favorites. And I believe that there is a limit of 24, if I recall. If you have many and you want categories, you can save them instead as POI's. You will have to create your own POI category first.

2. Yes, you can save a Favorite as a Latitude/Longitude. But the unit is designed to 'snap' to the road. So if your point is off-road i.e. in the middle of a large mall's parking lot, you may have problems locating your car.

Yep, just confirming what he said here. I just had to travel for my job last week and as soon as I got to the airport in PA, I saved "current location" as a favorite so that way I can get back to the airport when it's time for me to go home. Like he said, it will snap you to a road. Worked great for me. I don't know what I'd do without my TomTom :)
The only way I sort of manage to do it is by rename location in numerical order BUT if got more than 9 favorites have to use after 1 instead of 2 name 1.1, instead of 3 type 1.3 etc like that! cause 10 will replace 2 in order...i know is a pain!! but helps with fixed multidrops and have to use pc a lot and.. more pain!
couldnt get POI to work for me.
Its silly such a usefull yet simple feature not available on tomtom XL.. I guess they save it for other models and charge $$$ extra.:mad:
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Since using a computer I learned the hard way to start smaller lists with 01, 02, 03, etc.
If you have lots, also number categories the same way.

It is relatively easy to do the numbering retroactively by using TYRE.

Just remember, TomTom will display them per distance from current location.
Example, if you are in New York, Sacramento and San Francisco may be at the end of your list but if you are in San Francisco, Sacramento will be right at the beginning.

Instead of numbering I found it better to give them meaningful names with TYRE instead of starting with street addresses.
Example, instead of 4783 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL for a distant aunt, call it Aunt Betty.

Once you found a way that works consistently well for you, come back and let us know because someone else may always have a better ides.

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