Beginner question about free map updates

Jan 27, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
XL 340S
Hi, first post
I just got my 340S yesterday. Last night I updated a few things via HOME; I'm not sure what got updated, I just hit the update button. Today I hit the Add Maps button and it tells me that my maps are out of date. It's my understanding that new owners are supposed to get free map updates for 30 days from first use.

Is there anything I can do? Or maybe I'm not understanding something.
The map on my device is USA Canada And Mexico P, version 835.2419
HOME shows the current version as USA, Canada & Mexico version 840.2568

Thanks for any help
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The current map is indeed 840. Tap the satellite bars on your unit to see the application version installed. Tap the version number to see the map installed and its version. Does the version say 840 or 835?

If 840 it is up to date and you are just seeing another example of flaws in the Home software.

If 835, however, use Home's tools-->Latest map guarantee. It should offer 840 since your unit is less than 30 days old. If it doesn't, call support at 866-486-6866.

But before doing any updates, make sure you have an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit's contents.
Hi, first post
I just got my 340S yesterday. Last night I updated a few things via HOME; I'm not sure what got updated, I just hit the update button. Today I hit the Add Maps button and it tells me that my maps are out of date. It's my understanding that new owners are supposed to get free map updates for 30 days from first use.

Is there anything I can do? Or maybe I'm not understanding something.
The map on my device is USA Canada And Mexico P, version 835.2419
HOME shows the current version as USA, Canada & Mexico version 840.2568

Thanks for any help

Just to add a little something when you call tomtom you will have to get their email address because you will have to send them a copy of your purchase for this update.
Thanks. I didn't think to look under the Tools menu (maybe because I'm doing this on the first Windows machine I've ever owned). Under Tools, HOME offers me the free map update. I'm going to try an Explorer backup now.
Thanks again.
What Map Version do I Have?


I bought my Go 630 about 2 months ago. I have it resonably set up to my needs. Being new to this How Do I Find Out What Map version I Have?? An guidance is appreciated!:confused::confused:
Tap the satellite bars and the next screen shows the firmware version installed. Now, tap the version number and the next screen shows the map installed and its version.
Thanks. I didn't think to look under the Tools menu (maybe because I'm doing this on the first Windows machine I've ever owned). Under Tools, HOME offers me the free map update. I'm going to try an Explorer backup now.
Thanks again.

IMHO, that's a very odd place to put it if they really want new owners to make use of the Latest Map Guarantee. Had I been a complete newbie, I would also have missed it when I bought my first TomTom. I'm sure there's a percentage of owners that ends up buying the latest map rather than getting it free as they should. There's much clearer ways of showing it. I'm no fan of the way Tomtom handles their LMG.
After having lived with my TomTom for a couple months, I've concluded that the User Interface could use a polish. There are quite a few baffling interface quirks and feature omissions (like the volume control and the inability to save routes).

On the other hand, I'm constantly amazed at how much technology can fit in such a small device for such a low price.
Tap the bottom left side of the status bar while in the map view and the volume control should appear.

You are correct, you can't save routes without 3rd party applications.
Thanks, I had figured out the volume control. I'm just saying that it isn't a very well designed layout; there's nothing to indicate the volume control is located there.
IMHO, that's a very odd place to put it if they really want new owners to make use of the Latest Map Guarantee. Had I been a complete newbie, I would also have missed it when I bought my first TomTom. I'm sure there's a percentage of owners that ends up buying the latest map rather than getting it free as they should. There's much clearer ways of showing it. I'm no fan of the way Tomtom handles their LMG.

HOME will automatically run "Latest map guarantee" the first time a new Tomtom is plugged in. So you'll never miss it.

What's annoying is that certain devices (GO x20/x30) can't read the latest maps without an upgrade, and rather than asking for the app upgrade is just says "no newer maps available". Also, some devices (ONE 125SE / XL325SE / XL 335) have apps with defective USB drivers, so if you try to install an map when it prompts you the device will crash.

General advice for new owners is:
1) backup per here
2) install HOME and decline "latest map guarantee" when offerred
3) keep running "Update my device" until it runs out of things to offer
4) if a new map isn't expected within 30 days, then go to Tools -> Latest map guarantee. Otherwise wait until about day 27/28 just in case a newer map comes out.
What's the significance of the "P" pn the map's name?
I've just bought an XXL540S to replace an older TomTom model. Looking for the latest map under the guarantee there seem to be a lot of maps available in the 845 series. But the Usa Canada and Mexico P is shown as 835 and that's what is on this new unit. While there are a number of maps available for Usa Canada and Mexixo, can I assume that I need the 'P' version for my XXL and that I'm therefore up-to-date?
No, the current map for your unit is 845. Goto Home's Latest Map guarantee and see if it gets offered. If not, call 866-486-6866 and support should addit to your account. They may ask for a scan, fax, photcopy or something of your receipt.

Also, when you connect to Home, see if an updated application for your model is offered.

By the way, I suspect the 'P' may stand for Puerto Rico.

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