Here are the most common abbreviations used on this forum as well as the internet and was created for reference. I will update the list or remove terms if need be.
TTF Glossary
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
ATM = At The Moment
BRB = Be Right Back
BST = Buy, Sell, Trade Forum
BT = Bluetooth
BTW = By The Way
Bump = a post to raise the thread to the top of the forum list
DL = Download
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FS = For Sale
FSOT = For Sale or Trade
FTW = For The Win
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
GL = Good Luck
GPS = Global Positioning System
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
JK = Just Kidding
LF = Looking For
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
MSG = Message
NIB = New In Box
NP = No Problem
OBO = Or Best Offer
OBRO = Or Best Reasonable Offer
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer (Not Retail)
OMG = Oh My God
OP = Original Poster/Original Post
OT = Off Topic
PC = Personal Computer
PND = Personal Navigation Device
PM = Private Message
POI = Points of Interest
ROFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My *ss Off
ROTFL = Roll on The Floor Laughing
RTM = Read the manual
SOL = S*it Out of Luck
TBA = To Be Announced
TT = TomTom
TT# = substitute ?#? with model i.e. TT1, TT510, TT910, etc.
TTF = TomTom Forums
TTH = TomTom HOME application
TTS = Text-to-Speech
VTT = Virtual TomTom
WTB = Want To Buy
Post Rankings
The rankings are as follows (they are always subject to change):
TomTom Newbie - 0
TomTom Tester - 50
TomTom User - 100
TomTom Novice - 200
TomTom Fanatic - 300
TomTom Pro - 400
TomTom Expert - 500
TomTom Elite - 1000
TTF Glossary
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ASAP = As Soon As Possible
ATM = At The Moment
BRB = Be Right Back
BST = Buy, Sell, Trade Forum
BT = Bluetooth
BTW = By The Way
Bump = a post to raise the thread to the top of the forum list
DL = Download
ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FS = For Sale
FSOT = For Sale or Trade
FTW = For The Win
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
GL = Good Luck
GPS = Global Positioning System
IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
JK = Just Kidding
LF = Looking For
LMK = Let Me Know
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
MSG = Message
NIB = New In Box
NP = No Problem
OBO = Or Best Offer
OBRO = Or Best Reasonable Offer
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer (Not Retail)
OMG = Oh My God
OP = Original Poster/Original Post
OT = Off Topic
PC = Personal Computer
PND = Personal Navigation Device
PM = Private Message
POI = Points of Interest
ROFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My *ss Off
ROTFL = Roll on The Floor Laughing
RTM = Read the manual
SOL = S*it Out of Luck
TBA = To Be Announced
TT = TomTom
TT# = substitute ?#? with model i.e. TT1, TT510, TT910, etc.
TTF = TomTom Forums
TTH = TomTom HOME application
TTS = Text-to-Speech
VTT = Virtual TomTom
WTB = Want To Buy
Post Rankings
The rankings are as follows (they are always subject to change):
TomTom Newbie - 0
TomTom Tester - 50
TomTom User - 100
TomTom Novice - 200
TomTom Fanatic - 300
TomTom Pro - 400
TomTom Expert - 500
TomTom Elite - 1000
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