TT 910 has no maps & h2 change language

Jan 22, 2009

I recently bought a TT 910 on ebay which lost all its maps when the previous owner was updating the unit. I now want to load some maps on it and don't know where to start. I have copied the contents of the unit and formatted the unit. I have downloaded some stuff from TT home (like voices and color schemes etc..) and not the maps.

I have tried downloading some maps from some peer-to-peer sites now. Can anyone tell me how to get them installed on my unit.

Also can anyone tell me how to change the language of this unit as its currently set to some european language. When I switch on the unit, it comes up with a message 'no maps found' in some european language and doesn't do anything when I tap on the screen. The display shows the current time on the top right corner and some text (in european language) on the top left corner.

Pls ask me if you want to know anymore details about this query...

Thanks guys,
For the language change, in Preferences-->Navigate to and the last page has an icon with flags on it. Click that and scroll down to a US flag. have MUCH BIGGER ISSUES:

This forum neither condones, encourages nor promotes discussion of or downoading of hacked and copyrighted materials, including maps from any warez site. The only legitimate site to BUY maps for your unit is from TomTom itself.

There will not be support here on trying to install hacked files.

I think you got taken with the unit purchase from the sound of it. A new legitimate map will run about $70 US, I think.

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