Texans Credit Union

Dec 31, 2008
Big D
TomTom Model(s)
ONE 125
I grabbed a brochure from Texans Credit Union with all their locations, and used the surprisingly-awesome online POI generator at poieditor.com to enter the public access branches into a POI file. Like many credit unions, there aren't a whole lot of locations, and some of them are in unexpected locations.

This version of the POI list only includes public access branches, and doesn't include standalone ATM's or the handful of branches that you can only get to if you're an employee of the sponsoring company. If there's interest (or if I get around to it), I'll add the standalone ATM's. I didn't really need those for myself, because the standalone ATM's generally don't take deposits, and I seldom use ATM's for withdrawals (why, when you can buy a pop with cash-back at the grocery store for less than an ATM fee?).

I like the icon. I suspect some of the locations could use some tweaking -- I made some adjustments where the address clearly didn't match the location, but I'll spend more time on it if there's a v2.

If you end up using the POI file, let me know (or click the "reputation" thingie). If it seems to be useful, I'll donate $10 to the folks at poieditor.com who made it possible.

And a quick plug for my favorite financial institution. Anyone notice that no credit unions have been in line for Federal bailouts? That's because they're non-profit institutions run for the benefit of the member-owners. If you're responsible to the depositors, you make decisions for *their* benefit. If you're responsible for generating profits, then you do stupid things like "investing" (more like gambling) in credit default swaps. And you don't loan money to people who can't pay it back. Texans has told me "No" more than once. They're stronger for it. :)

Oh, and they have a 4.25% *checking* account. With no minimum balance. Top that at a bailout recipient. It's worth having to use a GPS to find the nearest branch.


  • TexansCU.zip
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