Super Moderator


This forum is NOT affiliated with the TomTom company in any way.

Supermoderators are just users of the product like yourself who volunteer our time to try to help others.......

Super Moderators have the ability to ban members

Moderators cannot ban members but they can still delete posts etc.

A related question is: "What is a Newbie"? It seems almost everyone on the site is a Newbie.

How does one graduate?
Years of abstinence and self denial! :D

Actually the terms used below the user name are board software controlled and relate to the number of posts the user has made.

More commonly, one might describe a 'newbie' as someone new to the environment being talked about, whether it is a gps forum, a computer forum or whatever.........

Or just someone new to the forum but may be well experienced in the protocol being discussed.

It's just a name.
Tester at 50
User at 100
Novice at 200 (I know, doesn't make sense)
Fanatic at 300
Pro at 400
Expert at 500
Elite at 1000

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