Audiobooks folder and mp3 files

Dec 21, 2007
Iowa, USA
TomTom Model(s)
I seem to remember that you could put either .aa or .mp3 files in this folder and both would be recognized and played. I tried an .mp3 file and it is not recognized on the play list of audiobooks. This file is a podcast of that I would like to listen during travels and true I could put in mp3 folder and listen to that way. Anyone have experience here?

Also if I heard wrong about mp3 files playing through audiobooks option, does some know of a way to convert mp3 files to aa files?
I seem to remember that you could put either .aa or .mp3 files in this folder and both would be recognized and played. I tried an .mp3 file and it is not recognized on the play list of audiobooks. This file is a podcast of that I would like to listen during travels and true I could put in mp3 folder and listen to that way. Anyone have experience here?

Also if I heard wrong about mp3 files playing through audiobooks option, does some know of a way to convert mp3 files to aa files?

I did some investigation of converting mp3 to aa in order to use bookmarks on some of my mp3 audiobooks. I could not find anything probably because .aa is proprietary.

I think mp3 files need to be inside a folder named

mp3 (all lower case).
I did some investigation of converting mp3 to aa in order to use bookmarks on some of my mp3 audiobooks. I could not find anything probably because .aa is proprietary.

I think mp3 files need to be inside a folder named

mp3 (all lower case).
AFAIK, you are quite correct about *.aa files. I know of no one who has cracked this yet, and Audible certainly isn't talking. The closest thing I've seen are apps that will turn MP3 into a format with similar bookmarking functions to (but by no means compatible with) the iTunes / iPod format (*.m4b).

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