Who is still waiting for a WNRO fix for their device

May 12, 2019
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Rider 2nd Edition
It's been 3 months now and still no fix for my TomTom Rider v2.
How many others are still waiting for a fix?
Offering 10% discount off a new 450 is a pretty poor solution for what is basically "my device is no longer fit for use, and doesn't do what it says it should do in the manual".

Come on TomTom, let's have some better customer support.
It's been 3 months now and still no fix for my TomTom Rider v2.
How many others are still waiting for a fix?
Offering 10% discount off a new 450 is a pretty poor solution for what is basically "my device is no longer fit for use, and doesn't do what it says it should do in the manual".

Come on TomTom, let's have some better customer support.
NikeRNick, my sympathies. Really lean on tech support and tell them you want a new unit as a replacement - no cost. That's assuming you are still in warranty.

In the past I've simply gone out, bought a new one and reclaimed the broken unit's full cost via Barclaycard on the basis it's not fit for purpose.

I've sent two units back to TomTom (Romania repair center) and waited quite a time in some instances to obtain the repaired unit/replacement. I gave up on the last occasion, refused to accept their replacement unit, bought a new one and good old Barclaycard copped for the ultimate cost.

Good Luck.

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