Using Poi's during route calculation

May 29, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom Live XL
Is it possible to get the sat nav to take Poi's into account when plotting a route?..

I used to have a TomTom XL live and that would let me specify what sort of roads I wanted to use (A roads, etc) before plotting the route, however I lost this one. The new replacement I bought doesn't seem to have this feature I have also uploaded all the poi's I had previously (low bridge's weights etc), but the sat nav doesn't route around them. Although the XL I had previsouly wasn't a dedicated truck sat nav it was manageable if I could just get it to stick to main roads rather than trying to send me down side streets and dirt tracks, is there a way of doing this on the newer version?.
What model do you have now? Or are between units at the moment? I ask because you're showing your current unit as a Live XL, but say you "used to have" one.

If you're accustomed to 'itinerary planning' on the old models, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed with the new ones in that regard.

You are allowed to set a destination, then to add up to 3 waypoints to the itinerary. That may be enough to force a route you like -- depends a lot on distance.

On the whole, if you configure the unit to calculate the 'fastest' route, you'll avoid 'side streets and dirt tracks' for the most part. They're assumed to be 'slow' roads.

Your XL Live didn't have any way of 'avoiding' POIs, so I'm not sure how you were using them in that regard before. The newer units do support your custom POI set (as you've already discovered), so at least you'll see the restricted areas coming up on the map, just as you would have before.
Once a route is established you should be able to use the 'option' button in the routed map screen and select 'travel via' there. You can choose a road to travel by there. Remember to expand the screen so you select the proper direction on the road.
Sorry the model number is 4ET03, can't remember the model number (I'd have to go dig the box out to find out), Basically (I know you answer this all the time but I need help as I can't afford to buy a replacement) I'm using this for a little part time hgv driving and I need to find a work around to stay just on the main roads (no side streets or back roads) if I can't get it to take weight limits and bridges into consideration while planning the route. I've loaded loads of Poi's but they're no use if it wont consider them while planning.
Give us the first two digits of your serial number. That will identify the type of unit you have. If you have purchased a unit that is what we call Nav2 (the older style) that does not support itinerary planning, there's a workaround for that.
Sorry to doubt your memory, Tomcatvf84, but I have a TomTom XL live, and it definitely doesn't allow me to specify what sort of roads I want to use (A roads, etc). The only option it has is to avoid motorways, toll roads, ferries, unpaved roads and carpool lanes.

No "normal" TomTom has ever been able to avoid certain POIs on a route, so if you want to avoid low bridges etc, you need either the dedicated "Camper and Caravan device (or the add-on C+C map) or one of the business-oriented "Truck" models.
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