Tyre Itineraries : which device for my bike ?

Dec 26, 2013
Sorry if this has been asked a zillion times but here we go again...

Which devices can I use with Tyre's itinerary planning files ?

I have inbuilt satnav in my car so the old unit (XL) is now on the motorbike but we are planning a trip to the continent next year and my unit doesn't have Europe maps. Rather than shell out (40 quid ?) for a map update I may as well get a second hand unit on eBay that has these maps already.

However, having discovered Tyre on a biking forum I'd like one that I can upload a multi point route to (more than half a dozen waypoints) - my XL doesn't support this feature, so double reason to change.

I know the TomTom Rider supports itinerary files but a new one is over 300 quid (which I can't afford right now) so need to pick a used 'car' model for now.


Tks, but that just does some stuff with POI's doesn't let me load itineraries from file and still leaves me without Europe maps ......

Anyone got a list - according to Mr Google the Go730 supports loading files - can anyone confirm ?
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Tks, but that just does some stuff with POI's doesn't let me load itineraries from file and still leaves me without Europe maps ......

Anyone got a list - according to Mr Google the Go730 supports loading files - can anyone confirm ?
Just so we're clear - you're asking if the GO730 supports *.itn itinerary files? If so, yes!
If nothing else, you can convert pretty much anything to anything these days, so if he can create a track for his route in Google, it can be converted to *.itn, even if it isn't directly loaded to the unit. I had believed Google dropped "direct to TomTom" loading after their falling out with TomTom.
Just so we're clear - you're asking if the GO730 supports *.itn itinerary files? If so, yes!

yes, that's what I meant - there are a few on ebay so I'll try get one - rather than be restricted to one model, I really wanted to know what others also work....
There were just a few 'low end' models offered in the Nav2 series (those that use Home) that did not support *.itn itineraries. Be advised that NONE of the newer Nav3/Nav4 units (those that use MyTomTom aka MyDrive) support *.itn itineraries, so you'll want to avoid those. The 730 is a good old workhorse, and about the worst thing you might encounter is a tired battery, but we can work you through a replacement if it ever comes to that.

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