*** TT Home New Version 1.5.104

At least you don't have a guy in black over your shoulder saying "TomTom wants to inform you of and update to HOME, cancel or allow?"

"HOME is updating, cancel or allow?"

"HOME has updated, cancel or allow?"....
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Why does Home say there are no updates, when there are?

I had this problem when loaded it first off DVD that came with One. Had to manually download and install to get new version.

Now there's a newer version again, but Home says there are no updates......
Just Downloaded Tomtom Home Version 1.5.106

But does the version of HOME after you install it say 1.5.106?

EDIT: Nevermind, it seems that I have trouble installing it on one of my comps. It still thinks it .104.

I installed it on a laptop and it does indeed say 1.5.106
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I just recieved an email regarding a question I had about the new version of HOME 1.5.104

Thanks for contacting TomTom regarding the release notes of the new version of TomTom HOME. I am more than glad to assist.

At this moment we don't have this information, but the update is mostly for the compatibility with Windows Vista. We are disappointed that we could not provide you with the answer you may have been seeking.

So just a quick fix for Vista it seems.
Mike, not sure what this contributed to the version questions, but please post this kind of stuff in the trade forum next time please.

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