TomTom's wonderful "customer support"

May 2, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
Go Live 2050
Hi all!

At the end of last year, I decided to go "up market" by buying the Go Live 2050 (or according to TomTom's My TomTom application the Go Live 1005!).

That's now 5 months ago. At least THREE of those months have been spent emailing back and forth with the so called "customer support" people about the traffic cameras not updating on the My TomTom application. The first couple of months it worked fine and then just stopped.

It's taken the THREE MONTHS of numerous emails, endless hard resets, complete resets, etc. and several "escalations" to higher authorities for the response to finally come back that TomTom now updates traffic cameras over the air via the live services. It's taken this long despite the fact that I had asked "customer support" at least a month ago that I had noticed a fine print note on the My TomTom web page.

Endless run arounds caused by "customer support" people who
a) do not read what a customer writes (One wonders if they can read!)
b) have no idea of the products or the services they purport to "support".

To say I'm disappointed with the "service" is a grand understatement.

In conclusion, I still do not have ANY CONFIDENCE in the "Live Services" and I will not be renewing the subscription when it finally runs out.

When the maps subscription runs out I will throw this thing into the rubbish bin and buy something decent!

This mob is utterly hopeless!

Just to be clear... are you actually GETTING all the updates to speed cameras that you're entitled to ("over the air") or not?

Are you only complaining that customer services didn't tell you that, or is it not working?
Just to be clear... are you actually GETTING all the updates to speed cameras that you're entitled to ("over the air") or not?

Are you only complaining that customer services didn't tell you that, or is it not working?

As it stands at the moment, I have no confidence that the camera locations are being updated! It took them over three months to discover that they're supposedly updating camera locations over the air but there is no notification on the device that that is indeed happening, nor have I detected a single new or changed camera location.

At least when it was being (painfully) updated via My TomTom, I knew something was happening. Now, I simply don't know - and I've paid for a "service" that I've no way of checking or confirming!


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