TOM TOM One XL windscreen holder ball joint loose, does not stay upright

Oct 13, 2012
TomTom Model(s)
tom tom XL
Hi, all
I have just joined this community (forum).
Some time ago the ball joint on the original holder for my tomtom has become loose (I have had it for about 4 yrs by then. I could not find an option to buy a new one from tomtom, so I went to ebay and bought one from China, for about $4. After about 2 days of being attached to my windscreen, it became loose as well, and does not hold the device upright, so it's useless now.
I wonder if anyone has had this problem.
How did you fix it?
Is there something I can do to make it tight again so it holds the device upright?
Does TomTom sell new ones and how much are they?
I'd really appreciate any ideas and help, please.
thank you
sorry, not quite

I do not like air vent holders for anything, so I wanted to use the suction cup one, and the one I bought from ebay looks identical to the original tomtom one... except it doesn't work as it should...
I even considered finding the ideal position I like and simply super-glueing the ball joint for good, perhaps that is what I should do... except sometimes the sun reflects off the screen and i like to have the option to adjust the screen's angle slightly... if the ball joint is glued, this will not be possible...
I've never had an original ONE XL so can't be precise about that one's mount, but there's usually a way to tighten the ball joint.

Once you've got inside the mount there is usually a plate that pushes the ball into a cup and that is held by a few tiny screws.

Alternatively, has four suggestions of where to buy what looks like the genuine mount here. Worth seeing if the Aust. site has it too?

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