Time Display

Jul 11, 2011
TomTom Model(s)
I have a GO 520 WiFi.
Is it possible to display the current time on the default screen without having to have a route planned ?
Settings / Display / Appearance / Route Bar / Show Current Time
TomTom Go Expert nevar redzēt pašreizējo laiku. Kad laika joslas mainās, ir jāredz pašreizējais laiks. TomTom ignorē mūsu lūgumus. Jo, sēžot birojā, viņi nesaprot, ko nozīmē braukt tālu.

What does it tell me that I will be at my destination in 6.5 days.I want to know the current time in the time zone I am in.TomTom ignores this.

Kendersons Help to solve this problem too.Can you set the current time display as an additional option.Because I feel when you are in communication with TomTom.​

Because every sat nav has a satellite clock.And I don't know off the top of my head where the time zones change

Kendersons Help to solve this problem too.Can you set the current time display as an additional option.Because I feel when you are in communication with TomTom.​

You ever try a website called the Wayback Machine? http://web.archive.org/
Not convenient at all, but even TomTom's old discussions.tomtom.com is there!

There has always been a lot of discussion about whether the device should be able to show current time. The user argument has usually been that the vehicle/phone/watch can do that. I doubt this will change.
And in Siberia and the desert there is rarely mobile communication, let alone mobile internet.
The tachograph itself does not change the clock.
Yes, it says so on the satellite clock.But he is not visible
In Yakutsk, after the change of six time zones.
If you're just driving around your own country, you might not need it.But TomTom Expert is for the long-distance traveller.

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