things you can't easily report in Mapshare

Mar 23, 2010
Edinburgh, UK
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom XL IQ2 (XL350)
You can correct street names, move POIs around, add house numbers, add roundabouts etc etc but there are a few things I find quite awkward to report:

1. If at a T-junction the priority road is wrong.

2. If a road has changed to a dead end and no longer meets another road - how do you report this? Bit of an oversite I think.

I'm using TTN7 btw. Anybody got any other annoyances like this?
For number 2, can't you just block the (now) dead end road at the junction to the cross road?
For number 2, can't you just block the (now) dead end road at the junction to the cross road?

Well maybe you can with V8 devices, but with N7 you cant block a road end, you can only stop traffic going up it in one direction or both directions, which isnt really the same thing.
I've never seen the ability to block a road at an intersection. I have only seen the ability to block travel in one or both directions along the length of a road segment.

A possible alternative to this approach would be to use turn restrictions to block all turns to or from the blocked road.
I've never seen the ability to block a road at an intersection. I have only seen the ability to block travel in one or both directions along the length of a road segment.

A possible alternative to this approach would be to use turn restrictions to block all turns to or from the blocked road.

True, but it's a definite weakness in the error reporting options.

The road I want to block is actually a road that was divided in half by a new road (6 years ago...). One half is now a dead end and the other half now joins another road. Impossible to report properly.
I ran across a similar problem in a nearby town where a railroad crossing was eliminated, resulting the street dead-ending on both sides of the railroad tracks.

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