Submit your bugs / suggestions here for GO 1000/1005/2405/2505

Jan 10, 2011
Deux-Montagnes, Qc
TomTom Model(s)
GO 2505TM
Ok folks, I've been using my GO 2505TM since 2 weeks now and overall, it's pretty good unit. Pros like screen clarity/resolution, speaker loudness, fast refresh & processing, good and solid looking.

But lots of small iritant makes this unit like a beta version, I guess TomTom was rushing to release the GPS before Xmas.

So, I've compiled myself a list of bugs / issues / suggestions that I will send to TomTom shortly but before I want your input so I may add/change/delete the report before. So here it is:

My unit info: TomTom GO 2505TM
S/N: SE5400H93xxx (0) (5.9)
App 10.040.584798.31 (0) (4008, 7/10/2010)
GPS 2.16.201 75147, Startup 534808
Maps: 'USA_Canada_and_Mexico' v855.3051

Navigation / Menu issues & bugs

-On main scren, press vocal button and setup a route. Once the route will be set, the vocal button WILL DISAPPEAR, only the phone and zoom button will remain (first part of the bug). So I want to check if Vocal Command is indeed checked or not. I tap screen, go to settings, and to Make Your Oww Menu... BOOM, I get the following error:
* * *
Unable to load page
Problem occurred while loading
* * *
A simple Off-On is not enough, the error still show. Funny enough, I can still hear vocal driving instruction thus. But I need to soft reset by holding 15sec power. I can duplicate the problem every time after a reboot Note that under normal condition, the Create your own menu works fine thus. I've made a video to show you:

-After adding a trip from a PI, you cannot display infos/phone of the PI after when tapping "Show destination" (buttons are in gray). So you have to go to the map, search again for the PI and then you will see infos and phone.

-On the voice planning, it doesn't display US States you have currently selected; It is just a white circle when it should be a green circle with 2 letters. But Canada, US, Mexico, US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico circles display fine thought.

-When I want to see the home-work traffic, the bottom right field, which displays the time/distance left disappears. And it doesn't come back unless I stop the route and restart it. Once it a while it'll come back after 10 minutes or so.

-Touchscreen does not work with glove, only with naked finger (not pratical in winter)

-Touching (quickly?) menu/button doesn't work everytime - I can see the button changing color meaning it did feel the touch but it does nothing until I touch it again (and again).

-Sometimes, you can still hear voice when setting the volume at 0% from the main screen center button. But in the Settings menu, the volume button at 10% equal the 0% on main screen

-Sometimes, you change the volume slider, it moves at the selected % but it does NOT stay and so, volume does'nt change. It takes numerous try to finally have the volume set.

-Sometimes, Instead of seeing the custom menu & vocal buttons on the main screen, the vocal got replaced with my phone (green)!?!? So I went to instruct vocal instruction by going in my custom menu and select "Vocal" but nothing, nothing, nothing. The vocal button in the custom menu refused completly to launch and so, I was unable to instruct vocal commands. I had to soft reset (hold power 15sec) to resolve the issue.

-Sometimes, the GPS do not regnonize the RDS-TMC antenna at all and so there is no traffic bar. But the GPS has been there unmoved from dock and it was working fine on last trip. You have to unplug/replug the 12V cig lighter inlet so it detect back the antenna.

-While using the RDS-TMC traffic, it sometimes doesn't find the service, I have to manually input the FM frequency and then it will find.

-There should be an option to remove the Traffic bar from the main display, outsite broadcast schedule and/or lots of place doesn't have traffic info at all so it's annoying to have the traffic spinning wheel turning there always

-When there is a blocked road, if you answer yes to always find another route, it will remember this yes EVEN if you go again in the traffic options and switch it back to NO or ASK. I had to reset/reinitialize my unit to have the question again being asked.

-Most settings button bring back directly to map, while some bring back to settings (like startup settings or manage PI button), why?

Phone / Bluetooth issues
Tested with a Motorola and Sony-Ericsson phone paired at 1.5m/5ft from GPS unit

-Entry in phonebook when there is a pause (P) in the number get duplicated at each connect

-Conversation over Bluetooth phone "randomly" mute, remote person only hear static noise while driver can't hear nothing at all. I suspect it occurs at the same time when there is route vocal instructions that would played if I were'nt on the phone. Or maybe it's a BT connection interference thing?

-No way to change the road assistance phone number so my GPS dial my phone to ATCA in Europe somewhere. In Canada, it's the CAA -

Suggestions to add / change / option checkbox in the GPS unit

-Keyboard does'nt have button for cursor to move back and forth, neither touchscreeen makes the cursor move so you always have to delete everything and retype again

-Favorites cannot be edited, only renamed or deleted

-Restaurants in the PI are not sorted by food type

-There should be a confirmation before deleting the planned route

-The confirmation to create a new route is useless, the cancel button on the next screen is enough

-I can't place more than 1 stop within a trip, there is no multi-waypoint trip (my cheap Mio had that)

-No live street number display while driving (my Mio did)

-No altitude display (Garmin has that since years)

-No compass display, either graphical or letters N-S-E-W

-No car fuel calculation and stop for refueling (my 1995 MS S&T had that, c'mon!)

MyTomTom and software

-If MyTomTom is cloud-based, there will be NO PC software to plan a trip WITHOUT an Internet connection right? Really not pratical on a roadtrip when there is no Internet access

-MyTomTom detect a GO 1005 unit when I choose Canada English/French but it detect a GO 2505 when I choose USA?

-No way to load custom open/close images

-No way to load the custom voice you sell !?!?

I'm waiting until next week, so add yours! And sorry for my english, my mothertongue is french ;)

*Admin, makes this sticky please*
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-After adding a trip from a PI, you cannot display infos/phone of the PI after when tapping "Show destination" (buttons are in gray). So you have to go to the map, search again for the PI and then you will see infos and phone.
Don't feel bad. It's more or less that way on previous models as well. One of my pet peeves. Not a bug, just a design that could stand some improvement.
Don't feel bad. It's more or less that way on previous models as well. One of my pet peeves. Not a bug, just a design that could stand some improvement.
Well I consider it's maybe not a bug but a issue... the parking, infos & phone icon ARE IN GRAY when showing the destination. Really not pratical if I want to phone there or recheck the complete address/infos.
Three more strange things today... Gosh, there is always something with this GPS.

First, instead of seeing the custom menu & vocal buttons on the main screen, the vocal got replaced with my phone (green)!?!? So I went to instruct vocal instruction by going in my custom menu and select "Vocal" but nothing, nothing, nothing. The vocal button in the custom menu refused completly to launch and so, I was unable to instruct vocal commands. I had to soft reset (hold power 15sec) to resolve the issue.

Then, on my way home, there is a wrong "blocked" road traffic info and yesterday, it asked me if wanted to continue or find another road. I answered to continue BUT the setting is still to ASK ME... so tonight, it saw the blocked road but never asked me but at least, he did'nt changed the route. I guess it remember from yesterday what I did? Anyway, it's still strange.

Finally, when I started my car on my way back, the GPS did not regnonize the RDS-TMC antenna at all. But the GPS has been there unmoved from dock since this morning, it was working fine. I had to unplug/replug the 12V cig lighter inlet.

Oh and plus I had the volume slider that refused to increase again.
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One annoyance I have is on the voice planning, it doesn't display the state you have currently selected. It is just a white circle. I frequently go back and forth across 2 state lines and forget which state I was in last time I use the voice input. So it is an extra step of pressing th button to see which state is selected. This latest GO model is lackluster aside from the screen and the magnetic mount.....
OMG, I had my worst bug today :mad:

It's actually a sequel to the voice command button missing reported yesterday. I found out why and I can duplicate the problem everytime.

On main scren, press vocal button and setup a route. Once the route will be set, the vocal button WILL DISAPPEAR, only the phone and zoom button will remain.

So I want to check if Vocal Command is indeed checked or not. I tap screen, go to settings, and to Make Your Oww Menu... BOOM, I get the following error:
Unable to load page

Problem occurred while loading
A simple Off-On is not enough, the error still show. Funny enough, I can still hear vocal driving instruction thus. But I need to soft reset by holding 15sec power. This is by far the biggest problem I had yet. I've made a video to show you:
YouTube - TomTom_GO_2505TM_Vocal_icon_bug.MP4

Note that under normal condition, the Create your own menu works fine thus.

I'm sending my email now to TomTom... at least, they'll have the week-end to ingest it :p

But this GPS is close to going bye bye (i'm still in my 30 days grace period).
One annoyance I have is on the voice planning, it doesn't display the state you have currently selected. It is just a white circle. I frequently go back and forth across 2 state lines and forget which state I was in last time I use the voice input. So it is an extra step of pressing th button to see which state is selected. This latest GO model is lackluster aside from the screen and the magnetic mount.....
I added your bug to the list and tested myself, confirmed!!

All others icons works fine (Canada, US, Mexico, etc) but every States in Green Icon with 2 letters does'nt on the vocal route main screen. It's clearly a bug, I will submit it to TomTom.

I have notified TomTom directly concerning the 'unable to load page' error.

Thank you for the detailed report.
So I want to check if Vocal Command is indeed checked or not. I tap screen, go to settings, and to Make Your Oww Menu... BOOM, I get the following error:

Try the switching languages, there's something wrong with the Canadian French interface. Hopefully Tomtom fixes this in an upcoming software update.
I do have a hardware update request for this line of nice TomTom serie.

I like to see a external microfoon option on the 100X series as the inbuild mic is too weak when in use in the car while driving and phone calling. Perhaps a new docking station for this series can have that option included a line out connection to the stereo system in the car.

I really can't understand why they did not make this option on this serie!

am i the only one who does complane about this missing feature for my TomTom Go Live 1005
TT GO1000 Home-Work Planning

I use the Home to Work button to quickly plan route and traffic conditions to work (and Work-home on return)
Very eratic performance - sometimes will fill in bottom right hand screen section with times etc for journey someimes it will not (this info is available in view traffic screens but not on main screen)
Will alwas show this info on way home
Will sometimes show it after delay or even occassionally straight away.

TOtom not much help - trying to tell me it doesn't fill this inanyway - but it does occassionally so why not all the time!

Have a feeling it started when I added my Nokia Bluetooth phone.
I'm sorry to inform you that I returned my TomTom to the store, I was still in my 30 days store policy for return.

Like I said in the first post, it's a good unit with a lot of potential and custom features but there is too many bugs and some missing features I wanted too.

I bought a Garmin nuvi 1490LMT on sale at Costco for 230$ and I'm happy now. It's doesn't have a nice glass screen, I'm not a fan of Garmin graphic engine, the speakerphone is not that loud and clear but at least this unit is rock-solid and much much more adapt to my driving condition here in Quebec. Traffic works in a minute and is really accurate (TomTom was'nt at all compared), processing is fast, lane assyst/reality view works, multi-point nav and GPS position is more precise too. Oh and it has altitude too :)

Admins, not sure what you want to do with this thread, keep it open if you want. I can give you my TomTom US and UK ref number if you want to, just email me.
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No reason to lock the thread at this point. Thanks for the feedback and enjoy the Garmin.

You certainly gave the TomTom unit MORE than a fair chance, no question about that.........
I purchased 280 of the TomTom 2505TM for my fleet last month, 276 of which are currently deployed...

Just try to imagine what I'm going through.

Getting ready to buy another 300 more of something to replace 910s and 930s still in the field... doesn't look like the new ones will be TomToms based on the reaction I'm fielding from TomTom corporate. My supplier has agreed to take all 280 of the 2505TMs back and sell me Garmin 2760LMT for the same price- if TomTom doesn't step up soon, looks like that's the route this will go.
I'm betting Tomtom will be no more than 15 days late on their upcoming software update (promised 1/31 for POI uploading). We'll see how many of these bugs its resolves.

I'm slated to purchase almost 3,000 portable GPS units this year.

I wouldn't recommend the GO2505 for fleet use. There are many more fleet-specific features on the corporate lineup (see They include web-based device tracking, device-dispatch, timesheets, etc.
I've seen in another post there was an update for the GPS. Is anybody can confirm if any bugs/suggestions I've post was fixed?

Or if there is a "what's fix" list on TomTom website or elsewhere.

Despite my experience, I miss my TomTom...
TomTom acts as network adapter - won't connect

When I first got my 2505, I could not get MyTomTom to connect to register my device or download updates. By accident I stumbled across the solution.

For some reason, when you first connect your TomTom to your Mac, the Mac thinks it is a network card and adds it as a network interface in the Networks Preferences Panel.

Pull down the Apple Menu to System Preference.
Click on the Network preference spanel.

If you see the TomTom showing up in the left hand pane, highlight it and hit the minus (-) symbol at the bottom left to delete it. Save and close.

MyTomTom should now connect to the internet and allow you to register and download updates.

I have seen reports elsewhere that the same problem may exist with some versions of Vista.

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