Pre planned routes for 3,000 mile road trip Problems

Jul 21, 2010
I have 2 satnavs a Go and 930, I am going on a road trip across Western US and want to sync 2 systems to have the same pre loaded routes. I cant seem to be able to get the exact routes into either system. For example I wish to leave Phoenix and stop of at Gila bend Google Maps shows the route I would like to take but both tomtoms go a complletely wrong route. I have tried using the website that converts the google link to itn file but each stanav shows a slightly different route and it throws in a lot of wrongs turns.

The main concern is we are on motorcycles and we have a chase car, if we get split up or they need to hold back for some reason that they are going to be on the exact same route as us riders with the other system, its easy to plan waypoints on the satnav for a short route but to do it for 3,000 prefered miles some on interstaytes some on obscure roads that TomTom would never sugest.

Any ideas fellow users is much appreciated.

Thanks Steve
You're seeing, I suspect, the difference between a unit with IQ routing and one without.

If you have a route that you prefer above all others, you can force both TT units to use it by setting up one or more itineraries. An itinerary can only hold 48 points, but you can make as many of them as you like if need be.

So if you create waypoints just past the major intersections that you want to require both units to "visit", both units will likely follow exactly the same route. You might be surprised at how few points it takes for force a specific route.

Just an idea.
If you can get PLUS services working on both devices, one option is to enable Tomtom buddies (don't know if the old GO supports this, the 930 definitely does).

Buddies uploads your position to the chase car, and it can simply follow you.

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