Nothing but problems updating

Apr 23, 2010
OK so there was a sale on the Tomtom xl330s at the local store and I have been eyeing up getting a GPS for a little while now. I went ahead and picked this unit up. Being my first GPS I really have nothing to compare it too but I like the unit. Anyway I have been tring to update the maps and have had nothing but issues. Three times now I have tried to update. It seems to download fine from the site but then when it gets to the install part of the map update it trucks along until the blue bar is almost at the end and then it just sits there. The first time I just let it go for a couple of hours eventualy it just came up with a error saying unable to complete install. After that I got the "no map" issue that others seem to be talking about on here. I returned that unit and picked up a new one. Before I did anything with this new one I checked out the forums and made a windows backup. I am still not able to complete the update it just stalls during the install process. I guess it wouldnt be so bad if it didn't take 6 hours to reload the map from my back up. I like the unit but I don't think I really want to headache if the map update process is so finiky.

I am running a year old vista machine and home as admin.

Any suggestions to get the update working?
Unfortunately, that model is only USB 1.1 compliant, which explains some of the slowness.

It's very good that you made an Explorer backup. Your updated map should be found here:
c:\documents and settings\yourname\my documents\TomTom\Home\Downloads\Complete\Maps\ (path may vary slightly on a Vista).

And you may wish to check out this link:
Thank you for this info. I am currently in the middle of reloading the map that came with the unit off the shelf. It says it still has 3 hours to go. Is it safe to just cancel that and unzip the downloaded file you suggest or should I wait till the old file finishes?
I'm not sure why you are reloading the map that came with the unit? From where are you reloading it?

I assumed you had updated the map using the LMG to 845 for that unit.
I am reloading it because the update install failed and I got the "no map" message. I started the reload process before I posted. I am re-loading the back up from before I tried to update so at least the unit was up and running.

The path you provided is to the updated map from my failed attempt correct?
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Alright so hours in the unzip is almost done there is only a sliver left to go and it is saying

unexpected error is preventing the operation. Make a note of this error code, which might prove useful if you get additional help to solve this problem:

Error 0x80004005: unspecified error

type: DAT file
Date modified: 12/02/2010 2:29pm
size 15.1mb

then it gives me the options

try again skip cancel

I havent clicked anything yet until I hear back.

Pretty frustrating I do have to say

OK being the impatiant person that I am I clicked try again and it seemed to get it going again. 20 mintutes till completion so I am crossing my fingers
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Is this the updated map you are trying to install? If so, look for a file in the map folder with an extension .meta.dct. Is it there?

If not, use the link I provided to (reinstall) the new map without using Home.
Is this the updated map you are trying to install? If so, look for a file in the map folder with an extension .meta.dct. Is it there?

If not, use the link I provided to (reinstall) the new map without using Home.

It is the updated map. I got it from the path you suggested earlier on. I was unzipping it with explorer directly to the tomtom. There are two "files" one is USA and Canada.meta and the other ends with .dct but they are not in a folder anymore they are just sitting loose in the main area. It's like the folder for the map disapeared though I told my unzip program to put it into the USA/Canada folder
Both should go directly in the USA_Canada map folder. Use Explorer to put them in there. disconnect properly from the computer (Hardware Device Disconnect icon).

I ended up calling tomtom, it didn't take very long to get to someone. They had me re-format the unit however now the unit isn't being reconized by home so it won't update. Being my first gps I am pretty put off by this whole situation. I am considering changing brands, not because of the features or specs or even because of the customer service but because the updating on two units now is causing me headache and hours upon hours of fiddling around with this thing. I am not a computer genius I do know my way around them decently. There must be something I am doing wrong, a setting that is incorrect in Vista or just a major issue with tomtoms system for this to be happening. Are all GPS units these days USB 1.1 Garmin and Tomtom?
No, the Go series have USB 2.0. I don't know about Garmin models.

Sorry for your problems.
Major point: what sort of USB cable are you using?

I was using a cable that came with an cheap old camera. I had the same problems. I swapped it out with a nice gold plated USB cable designed for high end digital, and all the data loss problems went away, and updates went well.

I think thats all the problem is...these units are extremely sensitive to interference, and they don't anticipate or correct for this in the software, so you have to have a high end cable.
The preinstalled software on some 330s models is defective, and causes map install errors, exactly as you are describing. The software application can be upgraded for free, and you should upgrade before attempting to instal any map

General advice with Tomtom's is to always:
1) backup per this link
2) open Tomtom home and decline the map update and any other non-application updates when offerred
3) update the application via "update my XL". Do it repeatedly until there is no application update offerred
4) then install any map updates that are offerred

The problematic app versions were sold in the later half of 2009 and early 2010. The version numbers were:
- 8.081
- 8.082
- 8.411
- 8.412
- 8.413
- 8.414

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