New North America map version 715 now available

I don't believe Tom Tom just did this. The majority of their sales for the year just happened at Christmas. They offer a 30 day map guarantee then proceed to release a map update 6 weeks after Christmas that now leaves all those new customers high and dry. I will be buying a second GPS for my wife's car shortly and I know what name won't be on the front face plate. That's a real great customer service PR move there Tom Tom. With service like that, Garmin doesn't stand a chance.:rolleyes:
I don't believe Tom Tom just did this. The majority of their sales for the year just happened at Christmas. They offer a 30 day map guarantee then proceed to release a map update 6 weeks after Christmas that now leaves all those new customers high and dry. I will be buying a second GPS for my wife's car shortly and I know what name won't be on the front face plate. That's a real great customer service PR move there Tom Tom. With service like that, Garmin doesn't stand a chance.:rolleyes:
Slow down. The people that got a unit over Christmas were guaranteed a 710 map. The version that was just released was a 715 map, which from what I've seen, isn't a whole lot different, in fact, it's not worth paying for it in my opinion. These people are not "high and dry" as you put it. The 710 maps are just fine. I think that in reality, a map that you purchase is good for a year, and you're wasting your money if you buy one every quarter when a new one is released. Not a sermon, just a thought. :)
Slow down. The people that got a unit over Christmas were guaranteed a 710 map. The version that was just released was a 715 map, which from what I've seen, isn't a whole lot different, in fact, it's not worth paying for it in my opinion. These people are not "high and dry" as you put it. The 710 maps are just fine. I think that in reality, a map that you purchase is good for a year, and you're wasting your money if you buy one every quarter when a new one is released. Not a sermon, just a thought. :)

He is talking about the fact that we cannot use the SD slot tomtom so graciously gave us to install a 2gb card and put NA maps on it. Meaning we are forever stuck with the turd sandwich that is US&Canada, the SD cards we bought are worthless, and TomTom just begged me to installed cracked 710 NA maps on my device, which I did without hesitation.
He is talking about the fact that we cannot use the SD slot tomtom so graciously gave us to install a 2gb card and put NA maps on it. Meaning we are forever stuck with the turd sandwich that is US&Canada, the SD cards we bought are worthless, and TomTom just begged me to installed cracked 710 NA maps on my device, which I did without hesitation.
Well, you won't get an argument from me on that issue. I don't think that the USA_Canada maps are a terd sandwich, but I would prefer the freedom of choice to buy and use the map that I choose.
I just noticed that my 920 has the 7.10 map on it, I will have to contact customer service as the "latest guarantee" is not allowing me to DL the new map.
I have already logged a support ticket, and I plan on calling them in about 10 min just to speed them up a little. :)
Just called them, and they're forcing me to send in the proof of purchase for this unit which I got on Tuesday.
That's normal. All of us that wanted the free map upgrade had to supply proof of purchase info.

If you call them they'll start an incident that you can attach scanned copies of it to so you don't have to mail it in as with most companies.
Garmin wont deal with you without a receipt from a big ticker retailer. TT will honour even Ebay receipts! Dont over-react...grass is always greener on the other side.

I'm with infama. I work for TomTom support and if you had any idea how many calls we get each and every day from customers wanting to know if we can track down their stolen devices you'd understand a bit more. (And before anyone asks, not we can not track them. The devices are GPS receivers only, they do not send out GPS locations) Simply asking for a receipt to prove purchase is common practice throughout the US.

I do however sympathize with you, the agent should not have implied that you were a thief and I hope you mentioned that to the supervisor. That type of behavior is by no means acceptable and qualifies for a write up.
I'm with infama. I work for TomTom support and if you had any idea how many calls we get each and every day from customers wanting to know if we can track down their stolen devices you'd understand a bit more. (And before anyone asks, not we can not track them. The devices are GPS receivers only, they do not send out GPS locations) Simply asking for a receipt to prove purchase is common practice throughout the US.

I do however sympathize with you, the agent should not have implied that you were a thief and I hope you mentioned that to the supervisor. That type of behavior is by no means acceptable and qualifies for a write up.

I want to know why I am not entitled to the new European Maps for my 920? I specifically purchased it because it have BOTH the US AND EUROPE maps. I specifically returned a Magellan since it did not have both maps.

As I wrote elsewhere, I have been suggesting to friends that TT's customer service is not the best - word of mouth is either good or bad advertising. I think TT should examine its policies on the 920 and map updates for BOTH maps.
I am not going to buy any new map for my GPS, I will just wait until my TT die then buy a new one with new maps, let's say my TT will last 4 years, in 4 years the maps might be much better then. Also If I put 100$ on side a year instead buying new maps, in 4 years I will get a brand new TT with new features and a new updated map instead of buying 100$ a year of new map with the same old device. Anyway Mapshare will get better through years it still a rescent technology.
I am not going to buy any new map for my GPS, I will just wait until my TT die then buy a new one with new maps, let's say my TT will last 4 years, in 4 years the maps might be much better then. Also If I put 100$ on side a year instead buying new maps, in 4 years I will get a brand new TT with new features and a new updated map instead of buying 100$ a year of new map with the same old device. Anyway Mapshare will get better through years it still a rescent technology.
You know, I think you have a good point here...
Newbie here with a 720 from Ebay...that being said, I guess I may have done myself in by upgrading from 7.05 to 7.10 without finding this forum first and learning that 7.15 was out. I agree with some folks here that 7.10 will work fine for me, but am wondering if, and for how long, mapshare updates will be added to 7.10...and if 7.10 are accurately mapshare-updated, why would I need 7.15? other then maybe a bell or whistle or two? I maybe not be understanding the picture here for an update.

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