Mapshare Updates for 9.30 in US?

Jun 6, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
GO Live
Just wondering if there have been any US/Can/Mex Mapshare corrections updates since the issue of 9.30?

I've had daily GPS fix updates, but no Mapshare Corrections.

Ciao, Francesco.
Thanks, tgold. I must have something wrong with my GO as I haven't had a map update since 9.30 came out. I'll check and see.

Thanks again, Francesco.
Interestingly, I finally was able to contact TT customer service and they told me no Mapshare Updates were available for the US/C/M 9.30! o_O
The 930 map was released fairly recently, but there have been Mapshare updates since release. I'm certainly seeing them for my Nav2 unit with 930 map - about 16MB of them, as a matter of fact!

As is often the case, customer service is smoking something that's not legal down there. You'll have to try again.
I thought it was a bit much... I've downloaded new maps before, and know it takes a while to get Mapshares.
Sometimes I wonder about TomTom... I got rid of the US/Can/Mex 9.3 and installed the US Map Zone. Voila, I immediately get a 2MB Mapshare! So it was as I thought, some kind of issue with having the map on the card.

I'd rather have the zone in the internal memory, and have the GO read it quickly, than have the whole map on the card and have the GO sluggish en route. I had a SanDisk C10 Ultra - a card which my digital camera can write multiple shots to in microseconds- in the GO and yesterday on the way to an out of state park the thing went stark raving mad, highlighting several roads as the route and showing roads that weren't even there! :eek: :D
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Interestingly, I finally was able to contact TT customer service and they told me no Mapshare Updates were available for the US/C/M 9.30! o_O
No mapshare updates for my VIA1605 yet since I updated to 930 maps. I called Customer Support yesterday and they also told me that if MyDrive doesn't offer me mapshare updates, then none is available - really??? hard to believe ...
Did you install the map on a sdhc card on the device? If so, I think there is a bug in MyDrive whereby mapshares aren't offered if the full map is on a card. Supposedly, a fix for the MyDrive software is in the works. Supposedly.

It appears you and I have the same problem: Map on card, no Mapshares. Map in device internal memory, Mapshares are available.

dhn's acknowledgement of the problem is the closest thing to an official recognition by someone even tangentially related to TomTom that there is an issue.

Despite the intentionally or accidentally erroneous responses given to me by TomTom customer service, there have indeed been MANY Mapshare updates since the 9.30 was issued. I've been on with TT customer service about the issue. While my level-one guy has been accomodating, to say the matter is frustrating is an understatement. They promised to let me know what they found, but when I last spoke with my level-one guy two days ago, he told me to subscribe to the TomTom newsletter in order to find out my progress! (?)

What I've just decided to do is to keep the US Zone map in the GO's internal memory. I've spoken with at least 4 customer service techs, and honestly I can understand why people on this and the forum become so irritated with TT's customer service. I have to say that I've owned quite a number of electronic devices over the years, and this TomTom GO has been the most problematic electronic device I've ever owned. I'm not angry, just frustrated.

Good luck on getting your problem resolved! Francesco.
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Point of curiosity, Francesco, but one that may become relevant later as we see this sorted...
There are previous generation GO Live units out there (we call it Nav3, e.g., GO 1535) and more current ones (we call it Nav4, e.g., GO 500). Can you be more specific about which GO Live model you own?

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