Lost settings on iPhone TomTom 1.3 to 1.4 upgrade?

Apr 13, 2010
Poole, UK
TomTom Model(s)
TomTom for iPhone
I've fired up TomTom (UK/Western Europe) on my iPhone today for the first time since upgrading from 1.3 to 1.4 yesterday and have found that the settings appear to have been lost, such as it knowing my home location and all of my favourites.

Is this expected/normal? Anybody else had the same? A tad annoying...


Edit: For clarity, this was an iPhone 3gs with OS 3.1.3 and was updated directly on the device, not via iTunes.
Taken from there facebook page .

Quick reminder that TomTom for iPhone 1.4 has arrived! Many new features are included to enhance your experience such as multitasking. Please note when upgrading to 1.4 certain settings (e.g. favorites, recent destinations) may not be available at this time. An updated version 1.4.1 to restore those settings will be re...leased soon.(It is recommended to wait making significant customization until installing the update)
Thanks for the info. Didn't see that in the app update notes though (or I read them too quickly!), which is a shame. At least there is some hope that they may come back.

Got another issue when installing 1.4
it seems that the App stays running in the background, even after you've hit the home button. So, if you think you switched TT off, the nice lady is still giving directions from your pocket. very weird.
After a time, it is disturbing to.
I hope TT will fix this in 1.4.1
Got another issue when installing 1.4
it seems that the App stays running in the background, even after you've hit the home button. So, if you think you switched TT off, the nice lady is still giving directions from your pocket. very weird.
After a time, it is disturbing to.
I hope TT will fix this in 1.4.1

Yes that is the way multi-taking works on iOS4. However I am told that it is not really running, it is in a suspended state and will pick up when open again. You can however stop all application that are in this state.
1) Quit the program
2) you will return to the home screen
3) tap the home button twice fast, this will bring up a new bottom active screen and you can see what aplication are running / suspended. Tap and hold on one of them
4) they will start to shake and will have a little red minus sigh with a circle in the upper left corner of the application.
5) tap and hold the minus sign the application will close, you can then do this for all of them.
6) tap the home button and they will stop shaking, then tap again to return to the home screen
Just a quick update. Updated to 1.4.1 today and the settings (favourites, home location, etc) have returned as suggested.
iphone tomtom upgrade

If you cant get a gps fix make sure to go to settings and turn on the gps for the tomtom software. I had never touched it and after the upgrade the gps was off for my tomtom software. Works great again. Hope this helps.:)
the update 1.4.1 fixed the problem with the favorites. But... The new DARK "theme" went away and the menu has a white background again, instead of the nicer new black one. Does anyone knows how to set up the dark background again?
The dark "theme" is seen when the app is running in night-time mode. During the daytime it uses the white "theme" for its menus.


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