Go 730 Problems with audio files through FM Transmitter

Dec 5, 2010
TomTom Model(s)
Go 730
Hi there folks, I am new to this forum, but thought it may be the best place to hopefully get some answers/help with my gps issue. I went ahead and bought a 32 gig SDHC card to use with my GO 730. I have recently transferred many music files onto the card and have succesfully operated it via the FM Transmitter a few times. The problem is this.... Many times the unit will start to play a track, and then it will suddenly stop for no apparent reason (yes I am using an available/correct FM station), and sometimes will flash a blue error message saying "an error occurred during audio playback". Has anyone else had this happen???

So I call the customer support team at TomTom and the lady tells me that the reason I am most likely having trouble is that the processor within the GO 730 likely cannot "handle or keep up" with the 32 gig card. To me this makes no sense, as the card is merely a storage medium, and therefore there should be no correlation between it and the processors ability to retrieve information.

So, I deleted everything off the sd card and formatted it. Then, went album by album to reinstall music files to the gps, making sure that only music files (mp3s) were being transferred, no jpegs, album art etc, worked for a few days, now back to square one, with no predictability as to when the GPS will play music files successfully through the FM transmitter.

I am anxious to hear from any of you out there who may have had similar issues, or can offer some sound advice on what to do to try and rectify this issue.
I am using an 8gb SD (class 6) card in my 730 and it works fine. Check to make sure you have at least a class 4 SD card. A class 6 card is ideal for this application. Some say a class 10 is overkill and the 730 will not utilize the full speed capability of the card.

I just checked the specs of my sd card, it is a class 4 card (whatever that means...)
The class is the speed. Class 6 is faster than 4, and 10 is faster than 6.

You may wish to try to make an Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit'd contents to one folder on the unit, and the contents of the sdhc card to another folder.

Then use Explorer to delete the loose files in the root of the unit, NO folders or their contents. Then connect to Home and install the application that is offered. Disconnect the unit properly from Home using the Device Disconnect icon.

See if things are better now.

The 'current' application (8.351) for that model is 1 1/2 YEARS old and is buggy pertaining to Bluetooth connectivety continually being lost between phone and unit but I think fm broadcasting was supposed to be ok.

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