firmware upgrade

Oct 5, 2015
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/us.png" alt="United States" /> United States
TomTom Model(s)
one xl
Since the only firmware update, my one xl will not recognize home as home; says no route planned, now it will not -even after quik gps fix- find me at all! What the???
Can we go a step back and have you describe what you want to achieve and tell us step by step what you are doing to get there.

It would help if you also could take a picture of the info screen and, after making the last 4 digits of the serial number unreadable, post it here as an attachment .
For myself, I'd ask when this firmware was updated and from what source. What is the current firmware version showing on your unit? No new firmware for the ONE XL has been issued in eons.

Before knowing, I'd recommend turn it on and forcing a reset by pressing (gently, with a paperclip or similar) the reset button in the bottom of the unit until it reboots itself. Then get into a clear sky (outside, unobstructed view) for as much as 10 minutes. See if you can get a satellite lock.

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