Dash Express: Internet-Connected GPS

Nov 25, 2006
TomTom Model(s)
ONE v2
Interesting product that brings in traffic, theatre showtimes, automatic updates on the go via WiFi or Mobile.



I'll start. It's an interesting concept, tying in GM's Onstar or Toyota's "G-BOOK" features into a small portable unit.
Dash has my interest but I'm holding until they've been out for a while and have a couple of updates under their belt. Still it looks really good.

Now if TomTom was really, really smart they would make a bluetooth GPRS radio that would only connect to their GPSs. It should use the same data service that Dash is using Jasper Wireless. Monthly service should be priced about the same as dash which is reasonable since it includes the cell data service.

This way the whole Cell Phone problem would go away and they could start offering some really great services that would compete with Dash. Heck, if they wanted they could bring the to marked within 6 to 9 months tops.

One thing though, DON'T REQUIRE US TO BUY A NEW GPS. It should work with any of their GPSs that currently support bluetooth cell phone connections.
That is really nice I have to admit, but I dobut it's connected to the internet all the time porbably just updtes when you press the update button. Not to say that this isent one of the better ideas iv heard of in awhile.
Dash has my interest but I'm holding until they've been out for a while and have a couple of updates under their belt. Still it looks really good.

Now if TomTom was really, really smart they would make a bluetooth GPRS radio that would only connect to their GPSs. It should use the same data service that Dash is using Jasper Wireless. Monthly service should be priced about the same as dash which is reasonable since it includes the cell data service.

This way the whole Cell Phone problem would go away and they could start offering some really great services that would compete with Dash. Heck, if they wanted they could bring the to marked within 6 to 9 months tops.

One thing though, DON'T REQUIRE US TO BUY A NEW GPS. It should work with any of their GPSs that currently support bluetooth cell phone connections.


What you described is basically TT HD traffic that is available in Holland and being rolled out to France, Germany, UK and Switz in the near future.
That maybe but why not just build a small GPRS radio with a bluetooth interface that the existing TTs could use. I'd be happy with TT traffic but it's just a royal PITA to use it with most carriers in the US. The rest they could add over time.
Now thats pretty slick...if the TT is logging on via a persons internet active phone, most of these things could be done that way

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