Current Street Name on Status Bar

May 28, 2009

I just upgraded from a GO 510 to a GO 930, hopefully this is a simple question but the solution eludes me:

On the New GO 930, I want to show the current street I am travelling on (or next street when route is planned), on the status bar. How do I do this?

When, I orginally set it up it was there, then I did an update through HOME and now I can find a way to get it back.

Any help would be appreciated.

Is it not in Preferences-->Status Bar? (don't have my unit here to check). It's in one of them ;)
Is there any way to get it back on the status bar? I know the current name of the street is on the map, however, for me it was much more useful on the Status bar, as the street name on the map is sometimes hard to read.

I realize people have personal perference on how they want it displayed, I would just like to have the option to turn it on or off. This function did exist (in fact is still available on my older GO 510, and it did exist prior to an update on the GO 930). Not sure whey they would remove this option. (Why not leave it as an option)

Can I revert back to a previous software build? This is a new unit, and I didn't back it up before "I updated"

One can usually revert back to a prior application. The question is, at what cost?

I don't remember what firmware update 'bumped' the existing name above the status bar. You may give up new functionality to get that feature back. That's all I'm saying.

Personally (and thanks tegel for reminding me of its location) I find the current location not a hinderance at all. It's just above the top of the status bar.
Yes, I agree it's personal preference, I just find having the name at the bottom of the status bar much more desireable for me (even at the expense of screen space). It's one of the reasons I choose a TomTom over some competitors.

I just wish they had left it as an option as with previous software versions. By removing it, I really don't have a choice other than live with it or move back to a previous software version or return the unit all together and stick with my GO 510. I like the feature that much to consider this.

Is there a place where I can download the previous software version? A quick scan through the forums, I think the change was done around v8.301 (although I am not sure).

On my GO 510, using v7.9x I have the option of showing street names on the status bar, just wish the same option existed on the GO 930 with the current (up to date software).

I dont mind where the "current street" location is at. What I DO mind is where the "next turn" is located. It's located at the top right corner of the screen, which sucks, especially when a LONG street name appears, since it changes to microfont. PLEASE email tech support about relocating, or giving us the option to relocate the "next street" back to the status bar like it used to be. The more emails they get on this, the more likely they are to listen to us.

I emailed them about it and they were like "That's a great idea! I'll forward this to the developers....etc"

I'm not sure what they were thinking when the moved the "next turn" thingy.
Yeah, I already logged a "request" to put the feature back to way it was. My biggest grip is that it was an "option" before and now it is gone. Having the "current street" on the status bar was a feature that I liked (again personal preference), clear easy to read.

It's even shown in the picture on the box. Identified in the manual.

I really don't see the logic in removing the option all together, again this is just personal perfernce, but I like the look and the clearity of having it on the status bar. It should be up to the user to decide if it works for them or not.

I hope they put the option back in. I am sure they had their reasons for turning it off, however I have yet to think of one...
Many of us liked the way the compass worked in Navcore 7. TT took that away in initial Navcore versions of 8x (talk about taking away functionality ....)

Anyway, enough people screamed and yelled such that partial restitution of Direction was added to the status bar in recent applications. Something had to go to free up space, so .........
Many of us liked the way the compass worked in Navcore 7. TT took that away in initial Navcore versions of 8x (talk about taking away functionality ....)

Anyway, enough people screamed and yelled such that partial restitution of Direction was added to the status bar in recent applications. Something had to go to free up space, so .........

That direction thingy in the status bar has been there almost forever :( I mentioned it before too Mister!!!! :p It was even there wayy in the early NavCore 7 days, maybe even in the Navcore 6 days. It was there when I just purchased my ONE XL which had map 675 or something like that.


In fact, I STILL have my ORIGINAL navcore backup from my ONE XL. I'm gonna put it on a SD card and run it in TomTom Home and run the emulator. I'll prove that it was still there :)
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I email tech support many many times about the size of the font on the upper right side when their is a very long name. I have to say that SLOWLY in the last 2 updates they Did increase the size of the font slightly but for me not enough. The size of the font now if for people under 20 yr old not for seniors over 50

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