avi/wmv/mpeg4 video playback on the 720

There also is a (pay) product called Mobilla Player, I think.

BUT: pretty much ALL 3rd party apps, free or not, have been killed off by TT with its firmware 8x.

(TT used to welcome 3rd party developers, but no longer .....:mad: )
There also is a (pay) product called Mobilla Player, I think.

BUT: pretty much ALL 3rd party apps, free or not, have been killed off by TT with its firmware 8x.

(TT used to welcome 3rd party developers, but no longer .....:mad: )

Are you saying all these 3rd party apps cannot be used on Tomtom 720 anymore with software version 8.x? Does that mean if I still have the earlier version software (7.x) I can still use 3rd apps?

Thanks for the info!

p.s.: I guess we can simply backup the old version software on PC and roll back anytime we want. Is that just a simple copy & paste for re-installation?
Pretty much though there are some posts that the author of Tripmaster has gotten or is working to get his product to work with N8 firmware.

If you have a complete Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit with installed software prior to V8 (ensuring hidden files/folders are showing), then it's usually a case of overwriting the loose files in the root of the unit.

But, be aware, N7 firmware won't work with version 8 maps.
Pretty much though there are some posts that the author of Tripmaster has gotten or is working to get his product to work with N8 firmware.

If you have a complete Explorer, not Home, backup of your unit with installed software prior to V8 (ensuring hidden files/folders are showing), then it's usually a case of overwriting the loose files in the root of the unit.

But, be aware, N7 firmware won't work with version 8 maps.
FYI: It seems that it was 8.300 that really broke the API. I have the Mobilnova software running under firmware version 8.010, and all of the on-screen buttons for that application work. In fact, I just demonstrated a running copy of "The Sting" that was converted from DVD to their TT format using their Windows app to do so. I may have found it necessary to, ahem, fiddle the DVD data on the way to my hard drive to make that happen, of course.

Don't ask me why Mobilnova (not freeware, BTW, but inexpensive) still works under 8.010. I am also able to operate OffRoad Navigator under 8.010 with the one exception that's been there for a while -- some of the setup screen gets a bit messed up, but since the config file is easily editted with any ASCII text editor, that's posed no real problems.

When I decided to back up from 8.300 and its other problems, I thought it would be necessary to back all the way up to my Navcore 7 setup to regain these applications, but it seems that is not the case. And my jump was directly from Navcore7 to 8.300. I had to scrounge a copy of 8.010. If it matters (and it may or may not), these applications were installed while the unit was running a version of Navcore 7.
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FYI: It seems that it was 8.300 that really broke the API. I have the Mobilnova software running under firmware version 8.010, and all of the on-screen buttons for that application work. In fact, I just demonstrated a running copy of "The Sting" that was converted from DVD to their TT format using their Windows app to do so. I may have found it necessary to, ahem, fiddle the DVD data on the way to my hard drive to make that happen, of course.

Don't ask me why Mobilnova (not freeware, BTW, but inexpensive) still works under 8.010. I am also able to operate OffRoad Navigator under 8.010 with the one exception that's been there for a while -- some of the setup screen gets a bit messed up, but since the config file is easily editted with any ASCII text editor, that's posed no real problems.

When I decided to back up from 8.300 and its other problems, I thought it would be necessary to back all the way up to my Navcore 7 setup to regain these applications, but it seems that is not the case. And my jump was directly from Navcore7 to 8.300. I had to scrounge a copy of 8.010. If it matters (and it may or may not), these applications were installed while the unit was running a version of Navcore 7.

Thanks for the info guys! I'd still like to ask a few questions:

1. dhn, when you say "complete explorer", what does that mean?

2. If update or re-installation (roll back) is just as simple as overwriting the files, are there concerns?

3. Other than the paid software Mobilnova (20 euro doesn't seem to be cheap to me), what's the best media player (freeware) you guys would recommend?

4. What is the advantage of updating the firmware? Is that just for being able to use the latest map?

5. How good is the new map (v815)? Do we really need it?

3. Other than the paid software Mobilnova (20 euro doesn't seem to be cheap to me), what's the best media player (freeware) you guys would recommend?
I am unaware of any that work with any recent version of the TT firmware. It takes the authors quite a bit of work, especially now, to write compatible applications. For the pain that TT has caused 3rd party authors, the 20 euro isn't bad at all. Understand, it's also more than a player for the TT. You need (and get) a Windows application that will convert your media to an appropriate size and AVI format for your TT to play. I'm quite impressed with the conversion software. The Sting is a mere 337MB in size with quite good video quality. My passengers really enjoy the audio thru the car's FM, too.
4. What is the advantage of updating the firmware? Is that just for being able to use the latest map?

5. How good is the new map (v815)? Do we really need it?

That would be the ONLY reason to update the firmware, yes. Without the modified maps to go with it, all it does is create other annoying problems that didn't already exist at 8.010 and prior.

I've looked at the TeleAtlas site to see what they think is "current", and understanding that TT gets their maps there, and that there's a lag between TeleAtlas corrections and seeing them in new TT maps --- well, I can't say I'm impressed. While the new map set may include some nifty features not directly related to the actual street data (e.g., "advanced lane guidance"), I don't see much improvement in what's mapped and what isn't. Then again, that's reflective only of the areas I've checked. Your mileage may well vary.

If you are curious, go to www.teleatlas.com and tell it you want to correct a map error. That will allow you to specify an area to correct, and in the process, you can see what they currently consider "current" and compare that to what you've already got.

If it were me, I'd wait until a) they get past the bugs in 8.300, b) more of the 3rd party developers get a handle on how to program to 8.300 (I know of only ONE with software even in beta at this point, and some have given up entirely).
After reading all of this I now realize I screwed the pooch. I did not make a back up of any thing so now I am stuck with the new stuff and lost some of the features and ability to run thrid party software. I hope the good news is this. I lucked out on the Best Buy mess up and in short I have passed the savings along to relative. My brother in law picked his up from me today and after finding this site I called him and asked if he had done anything with his unit yet and he said no. So if he makes a copy of his entire flash memory by opening it under my computer and just dragging everything into a saved folder on C drive can I use his map and Nav to revirt back? Of course I would do a back up of my latest and "greatest" map and nav. Or is this restricted to only that GPS unit? Anyone with experience on this?
great then disregard my pm, question answered. I quess I will call them and play dumb and ask them where my old map is. pretend like I did back up and see if they will send me and old version back. What about using the nav if i were to get lucky and get a new/old map v7.xxx? any ideas on that

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