Problem with turning on navigation

Jan 3, 2020
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/fr.png" alt="France" /> France
I have a problem turning on navigation. I own an old tomtom one. The SD card is empty. Formatted to Fat32. When starting navigation, the navigation picture is shown with the SD card crossed out in red.Nothing else appears. After inserting the SD card again, the device displays the message "please wait" and the situation repeats.
If it resets the device to the initial state and hold the power button for 5 seconds. White text appears on the black screen.
TomTom ONE (TM) <c> Tom Tom 2003-2006
Hardware type: TomTom ONE
Bootloader version: 5.05
Compiled at: Dec 15 2006 12:24:27
Memory: 32MB
CPU ID: 32412001
Clocks: 264 132 66
GPS type: SIRF 3
Storage type: SD Card
Storage capacity: 0kByte
Startup mode: Sleep
Device ID: E25476G05343
Bluetooth MAC address: 00: 13: 6C: 7D: 68: 9A
Bluetooth Calibration: 19
Keys Avanible: Yes
Battery boot voltage: 5000mV
RTC: 01:04:57 01/01/2000

There is nothing more. What can I do with this ? I will add that after connecting the navigation to the computer with a USB cable. The computer detects the device as a Pendrive. However, when I click on the icon of my computer and want to enter the SD card, a message pops up saying that its disk is empty. TomTom Home, after connecting the device with a USB cable, says "No device connected". The system drivers for navigation in Windows 10 are drivers with the signature "Composite Memory Device".

What can I do with this, please help.
Much depends upon WHICH TomTom ONE you own. Your serial number appears to start with "E2", one with which I was not familiar, and I thought that my 'magic decoder ring' included ALL of them!
That said, I was able to identify it as a TomTom ONE 2nd Edition, and it appears that it has no internal memory, operating instead solely from the 2GB SD card. THAT presents us with a problem.
Did you format the SD card? If so, that may not have been a good plan unless you have some backup for the content of that card when things were still working since contained all of your firmware and map data.

The firmware could conceivably be reloaded using Home, but the maps are another story. Have you ever downloaded a full map set for this device, or have you ever done a full backup of your device? In either case, do you still have access to the PC where either of those might have been performed?
I have a backup from an SD card. It has 200MB. However, nothing changes. This is GPS 2nd Generation. I can not do anything . TomTom Home cannot detect GPS. I do not know what to do. What can it be caused and how can I fix it?
I'm still a bit confused, and don't want to start in the wrong direction. You say the card that is presently in your device is a freshly formatted FAT32 card? How did it get that way? Or is this a different card than you were running before?
If you have a backup of your SD card when it was working, it will be necessary to copy all of that content - with all folders where they were originally - to the 'clean' SD card, then see if the device will start in that condition.
I uploaded a backup copy of the SD card, but the problem is still the same. It doesn't do anything. The device still shows the crossed out card in red. Without a card, after a beep it hangs on the orange screen.
Still not enough detail.
a) How and when did the card in the device become formatted?
b) How was the backup made that you copied back to the SD card?
c) Does your backup, now on the SD card, contain files called system and ttsystem?
Still not enough detail.
a) How and when did the card in the device become formatted?
b) How was the backup made that you copied back to the SD card?
c) Does your backup, now on the SD card, contain files called system and ttsystem?

I've just found this thread and I am having a similar problem with my old Go 300 which I only use when I'm driving rental cars in Europe these days as both my cars and van have built in Nav.

I seem to have lost my Western Europe card so I've made a new one by copying the Western Europe files from my laptop. When I insert the new card, it loads as normal then displays my splash screen for exactly 10 seconds then switches off!

It does have the system and ttsystem files, in fact all the files my original card had as it should be an identical copy.
Is the battery fully charged in the device?
Maybe not, but it is powered via a mains adapter with the green light on and has been for about 3 hours so I would have thought it would be charged by now. Unless the battery is completely dead. Is the battery replaceable?

Thanks for the reply.

Edit #1: Just tried it with my old UK card which is also a copy and not the TT original and it boots up and works fine so there must be something wrong with my new Western Europe copy.

Edit #2: Very strange, I've just copied the same folder to another SD card and that one won't even load! Now I am even more confused.
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I may be wrong but I thought that the older devices can only read straight SD cards, not microSD card and I am wondering if that "new" card is a ɥSD card.
I may be wrong but I thought that the older devices can only read straight SD cards, not microSD card and I am wondering if that "new" card is a ɥSD card.

Thanks Arno, that's an interesting point and I was not aware of that. My new cards are uSD in an adapter as you suspected but I know I've got a few SD somewhere and will have another go when I've found one.
Your GO 300 is even older than my GO 930, which does not recognise micro cards in an adapter.
When I got the device in 2008 I bought a 4GB card even though 8GB cards were available for a fortune.
I can still use it with the older North America map but cannot update since the 2nd of my paid for quarterly map subscription two years ago. Shame.
I loved that device as it came with a BT remote control, allowing to make changes without touching the GPS or even pointing the remote at it.
Your GO 300 is even older than my GO 930, which does not recognise micro cards in an adapter.
When I got the device in 2008 I bought a 4GB card even though 8GB cards were available for a fortune.
I can still use it with the older North America map but cannot update since the 2nd of my paid for quarterly map subscription two years ago. Shame.
I loved that device as it came with a BT remote control, allowing to make changes without touching the GPS or even pointing the remote at it.

Yes, I remember the ones with the remote, well ahead of their time. My wife has an all-singing, all-dancing Garmin as her car doesn't have a built-in but both of my cars have good Navs in them (Honda Legend (Accura Legend in N America) and Lexus GS) as does my Peugeot work van so I never need a stand alone here in the UK but it's invaluable when I'm driving rentals in Europe. I don't need anything more sophisticated than the GO 300 as it's never let me down and I've had 15 years experience with using it. Now, where are those SDs?
I had searched quite a bit for a straight 8GB card but they seem to have followed the Dodo into oblivion.

If you use a cell phone, why not download the TomTom app. It is quite good and if you use a Data plan you will have free Traffic on it too.
Me thinks that this (or Google/Waze) would be the solution out of your dilemma.
(Used mine over the last three weeks and also monitored the ship's progress as we had free WiFi.)
I may be wrong but I thought that the older devices can only read straight SD cards, not microSD card and I am wondering if that "new" card is a ɥSD card.
Just tried with a normal SD card. Unfortunately, it didn't work. :-(
One thing for sure, they won't accept anything larger than 2GB.
One thing for sure, they won't accept anything larger than 2GB.

Ok, after several failed attempts, I gave up with copying files to various SD cards and I have just bought a genuine TomTom Western Europe Map SD card. It loads properly, displays the splash screen before moving onto the 'Legal Notice' screen and when I press 'I Agree' it goes into map mode from where I can enter Menus, etc. However, after just over a minute or about one and a half minutes from initial loading, it reboots and goes through the whole load/splash/legal/map sequence again. Is this a fault in the device?
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Sounds like device is rebooting itself.
Does it also so this when connected to mains power, or only in the vehicle?
Another thought: After 14 years, it could be that the battery is knackered, but let's not go there just yet.
Sounds like device is rebooting itself.
Does it also so this when connected to mains power, or only in the vehicle?
Another thought: After 14 years, it could be that the battery is knackered, but let's not go there just yet.

I've only tried it on mains power so far but just moments before reading your reply, I had an interesting development.

I took the Europe card out, pressed the reset button for 20+ seconds, replaced the card, switched on and no change, still rebooting. A bit concerned, I decided to check if my GB card was now similarly afflicted so put my GB card back in and for the first time in about 15 years, had to go through the language, distance units, time format, etc setup routine, presumably because of the reset, but thankfully the GB was working exactly as it had done before, including retaining past destinations, favourites, etc. and no rebooting. Then I replaced the GB card with the Europe card and to my surprise, that was now all working perfectly with no rebooting so it seemed problem was solved just by chance. However, there was one last twist, when I took the Europe card out and then put it back in, the rebooting problem returned but this was again cured by putting GB in and going through the language, etc setup routine again and then replacing with the Europe card.

So, I will not be taking the Europe card out and hopefully, it will continue to work as I've set it up how I want it but I will always take the GB card with me in case I ever need to use it for this purpose again.

I can't see the logic in what's going on here with these 2 cards but if there is a simple technical explanation, I would be genuinely interested in hearing it before drawing a line under all this.
One wonders whether the operating systems on the two cards is different, requiring the manual reboot?
Just for grins, check the file dates for the system and ttsystem files on the two cards.

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