XXL 550 No main menu?

Aug 27, 2013
TomTom Model(s)
XXL 550
Hi everyone, brand new to the TomTom...I picked this up from a co worker. Didn't have maps etc, so I purchased and downloaded after some reading. Then I got the flashing X...more reading downloaded and copied the files. Got past the X but in the meantime I realized the files I copied were for the XXL 540! Turned on the unit and I have no access to the main menu...says: "Main Menu 1 of 0". Figured if I could get the files for the original software I should be able to reload the 550. Anyone know where I might find the file?


You need Home. Get it at tomtom.com/home.

Try this:

1. Connect to the computer and make an Explorer backup. See here:

2. Connect to Home-->Manage my Device (2nd page)-->Items on Device-->Application. Remove it.

Items on Computer-->Application. Remove it.

3. In Home, Update my Device. Should be offered an application. Download, install and remove the device properly using the DEvice Disconnect icon.

4. Restart device, connect to Home and make sure no further application updates are offered.
You need Home. Get it at tomtom.com/home.

Try this:

1. Connect to the computer and make an Explorer backup. See here:

2. Connect to Home-->Manage my Device (2nd page)-->Items on Device-->Application. Remove it.

Items on Computer-->Application. Remove it.

3. In Home, Update my Device. Should be offered an application. Download, install and remove the device properly using the DEvice Disconnect icon.

4. Restart device, connect to Home and make sure no further application updates are offered.

Thanks dhn! Got it! Perfect, thanks again!


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