XL350TM volume/voice problem after update

Jun 28, 2010
Twin Cities Metro MN
TomTom Model(s)
I downloaded the recent map & device updates, and installed them on my XL350TM. Now, the volume won't work past 85%, and only works intermittently. I downloaded the other English speaking voice (UK version) and it also does not work. Sometimes the directions are spoken, but usually not. I tried checking/unchecking the "adjust volume according to vehicle speed" but to no avail. When I try to operate the unit through the Home application, it tells me the selected voices are not supporter for the purpose of testing the volume (they're grayed out, like they're not even there)

If it's a computer voice, they are not supported in Home's emulator.

OK, but even while driving, I'm having an issue. The volume and muting function are flaky - when it appears to be muted, it's not, or when I try to increase the volume, I can only get it to 85%. Anything higher, and it doesn't work. Too, sometimes the voice announces an upcoming maneuver, sometimes not.Also, I downloaded one of the non-computer voices, and it still wouldn't work under Home.

Got similar problems myself regarding sound on an XL IQ2 after loading app 9.150. There are a few postings covering this on the thread "Major update for easymenu devices" at the top of the home page. Unfortunately no-one seems to have a solution as yet. Good Luck
I can confirm that dropping the volume below 85% greatly increased TTS reliability for me, as I posted in the generic 9.150 thread.
Well, I downloaded the "Simon" UK voice, and now all the directions are spoken, but the volume is still an issue. I hope there is a fix coming.
Also, this was mentioned in the other thread, but make sure you disable the "link volume to car speed" option!

If you leave it enabled:
Volume will be pretty low in most situations
You won't get any instructions on the highway because it will increase the volume past the "broken" threshold.

The option is kind of irrelevant anyway if you listen to the radio in your vehicle at all, since ambient noise then becomes independent of vehicle speed unless you've got a speed-sensitive radio volume.
It happened to me too

I just bought this XXL550TM, the volume is really low after 85%, its ok then 65%. But the voice is not clear at all, I did try Susan and Simond. Same result for both, if this could not be resolved, I will have to return it.
I have disabled the volume/speed option.
I read somewhere on this forum that there is TTS prb w/ the XL350TM. Specifically, if you have the volume set above 80% and the 'link speed to volume' on, you'd have this prb. As such, I will keep the volume at 80% or below and UNcheck the 'link speed to volume' box and hope that TT comes up w/ a quick fix soon. I haven't tested it on the roads yet but that is the temporary solution I've read about here.
volume & sound problems after update

I have the XL IQ edition 2 and after a recent update lost or had intermittent sound after 85% volume. TomTom arranged replacement with Halfords (UK) as 3 months old :) however after updating same thing happened. TomTom customer services now say it is a known fault and to use the 'link to vehicle speed' option. However still intermittent faults. :confused: I will wait a few months for fix and if that does not happen will arrange refund.
I read somewhere on this forum that there is TTS prb w/ the XL350TM. Specifically, if you have the volume set above 80% and the 'link speed to volume' on, you'd have this prb. As such, I will keep the volume at 80% or below and UNcheck the 'link speed to volume' box and hope that TT comes up w/ a quick fix soon. I haven't tested it on the roads yet but that is the temporary solution I've read about here.

I have since upped the volume to 85% w/ no prbs, but I think that's the max you can go b4 encountering voice prbs.
As posted in another thread, I updated the application on my unit and ran a demo at 90% volume with no problem.
Same here sound is 100%. I myself never experienced sound problems and I do remember a important update most recently.

I did experience it right after I purchsed my TT XL 350TM. And if not for this discussion forum i would have returned it (over and over i guess) as not working. Unless the salesperson at Best Buy was aware of the issue.

That said I also installed update and am finding everything working as it should at 100%.
I encounter exactly the same issues as mentioned by CraigV. Perhaps, I should also try all these options suggested in this trail and see if it helps me with my recently bought XL 350TM.
Download Info

Just a heads-up:

Ran TT Home today and apparently there is a fix for the *volume issue* plaguing our GPSs. It is called "Version 9.151 (XL IQ Routes ?)" and supposedly it fixes that (source: Application updates overview). I've just installed it but have yet to roadtest it. Just chiming in here to see if anyone has any feedback using this fix.

Can you please tell me where I go to find this download to install? I did click on the link but I'm not finding where to actually get the download. Thank you.
If you connect your unit to Home, you should be offered an application update to 9.151 if relevant for your model.

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