XL 330S: Traffic receiver not compatible with maps

Jan 27, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
XL 330S

I bought my girlfriend a XL 330S (1GB) a couple years ago, which came with 4UUC1 charger/traffic receiver, and with lifetime traffic and maps.

I've been trying to figure out this problem: "Your RDS-TMC traffic receiver cannot be used in combination with the current map". I don't know exactly when it started happening; my girlfriend has been just ignoring it without mentioning it. The traffic symbols do appear along the righthand side of the display, but the update symbol is just an 'X'.

The TomTom phone support guys advised me to install the most-recent map package and application. After doing that, though, the problem still persists. The map package now is USA & Canada version 920.5269. The application version is 8.083, which I know is very old. However it's the only one I'm able to get using the "Update My Device" function in TomTomHome.

So the phone support guys now say my problem is un-solvable: my old application version is known to be problematic but apparently my XL 330S can't be updated with any of the newer versions.

Before giving up, I'm wondering whether someone on this forum has a "second opinion". Am I really at a dead end? Is there some un-official way to replace my old application with a newer one? Remember it's a pretty old device, with just 1GB of memory.

Many thanks for any advice!
I had to check your IP address to help me sort this out. You don't specify a location, and that's important in this instance.

It sounds as though your unit came with a European RDS traffic receiver cable. The problem is that finding a U.S. spec version of that cable at this late date may be problematic. Alternately, I assume your girlfriend isn't in Europe trying to use a U.S. spec cable?
I had to check your IP address to help me sort this out. You don't specify a location, and that's important in this instance.

It sounds as though your unit came with a European RDS traffic receiver cable. The problem is that finding a U.S. spec version of that cable at this late date may be problematic. Alternately, I assume your girlfriend isn't in Europe trying to use a U.S. spec cable?

Ooops, sorry ... I'm in the USA (California).

Thanks for replying! Actually, I don't think the 330S's RDS cable is the root cause:
  • When I use that 330S cable with a different TomTom device (a XL 340 IQ with 2GB and Navigator 9.43 and Map version 885.4097), that device is able to access and use the traffic broadcast.
  • Likewise, the known-good cable that was provided with the XL 340 does not work when connected to my girlfriend's XL 330S.
  • Both RDS cables have the same part numbers printed on their labels; they both say:
    • Model 4UUC1 (4UUC.001.01) with a checkmark alongside the number N14644

So the problem seems to hiding within the XL 330S gps unit itself, not in the cable.
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We sometimes get thoroughly confused by the TomTom part numbers, and there are multiple versions of cable out there, but ...

The 4UUC.001.01 is the part number for the 'new' cable, designed only to work with units that started with or were updated to 9.XXX level firmware. That said, this current cable should not have accompanied a 330S.
So color me confused. Confirming your account of failure since day one, there's no reason this cable should have been expected to work with a device with 8.XXX firmware. AFAIK, your 330S was never supplied with code more recent than 8.083.
The 4UUC.001.01 is the part number for the 'new' cable, designed only to work with units that started with or were updated to 9.XXX level firmware. That said, this current cable should not have accompanied a 330S.

So color me confused. Confirming your account of failure since day one, there's no reason this cable should have been expected to work with a device with 8.XXX firmware. AFAIK, your 330S was never supplied with code more recent than 8.083.

Hmmmm ... maybe the problem actually was present on day one. At the time, I just installed the unit in her car and assumed all was well. That was a couple years ago, and she hasn't registered any complaints with me. Only recently did I notice the absence of traffic data.

Since we seem to have the wrong cable for her 330S:
  • is it possible to somehow install a newer version of the application onto her system? Could I copy the version 9.43 that's on an XL 340 IQ, and install it on her XL 330S?
  • or, is there a way to hack her "new" cable to make it compatible with her 330S and its existing 8.083 firmware?? I don't mind deploying my soldering iron and various other WMD's if there's a reasonable chance of success.
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Unfortunately, the newer 9.XXX level code won't operate on the 330S, and there's no old cables around to purchase as far as I know. That said, it doesn't surprise me too much that tech support didn't put 2 and 2 together. Have no idea if they'd be able to come up with a solution, but with these better facts in hand, perhaps you can talk them into something.
Thanks for your knowledgeable replies, canderson. I think I understand the problem now. I'll investigate whether the receiver cable can somehow be hacked to become compatible with the old application on the 330S.
I've seen no one succeed in getting the new cable working with 8.XXX level code. All the best, though. If you do come up with a solution, please advise!

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