Which map update did you put on your ONE?

What do you guys think is so special about the water? I love my TT1, but I don't think the maps are as detailed as on the Garmin GPS's.
also, maybe we shouldnt be using the north america map on the one?
I don't understand that one at all. We have valid activation codes... as long as you have an SD-card that will fit it... what's the issue? Or do you mean just because ti had you going the wrong way it might not be the right map? Verify with the USA__Canada Map and let us know...
Nothing is all that special about the water, it's just a nice touch is all. I could live with or without it. But I DO like the extra POI data the North America map contains.

I'm not sure I agree with you on the Garmin. I have a nuvi 660 and test them against each other all the time. While more detail does appear on the 660 screen, it's because it's zoomed out to a level that allows for it. If you zoom out the ONE, that detail appears.

One thing the Garmin has going for it is that it names the parks and rivers and such. The TT just shows the parks and rivers without naming them.
Upgrading to 2GB card after the Unit is over on NBC...NRTH America Maps. I will be using fanchee's "how-to" :D
bah. I'm just waiting for a cheap sale on 2GB SDs haha.

Apparently a reliable computer shop was selling Kingston ones for Cdn$20 over Christmas holidays. Dang it!!

Is Kingston any good? What's a good alternative to Sandisk?
Kingston is Ok in my book. Edge Memory is better. You do get what you apy for with the no namers though.
Well, I'm looking for something reliable that won't crash on me or screw up the TT but as well, I don't want to pay over $100 that Futureshop and Best Buy are charging for the Sandisk 2GB (regular model)

Upgrading to 2GB card after the Unit is over on NBC...NRTH America Maps. I will be using fanchee's "how-to" :D

perfect install... I have an EdgeMemory 2GB 130x Card...seems to help speed things up a bit and the screendump that Spook showed me earlier that used to take about 20 seconds is now instantaneous!!!
I've used a variety of sd cards with no real problems. Sandisk, Kingston, PNY, and more. I've found a lot of no-name brand cards are actually just rebranded and are really manufactured by someone you've heard of before....Just buy one with a decent warranty from a reputable dealer and you should be fine.
I hope you have better luck finding an affordable 2gb card. They are regularly on sale online for right at $20, with the faster cards going for $30ish.
lol.. $20-30 I'd get.

In Canada, they're running at $90-120. Check FS and BB sites if you don't believe me. I gotta stop by a RadioShack the next time I head down.
I actually bought an SD Card for a camera on ebay. It cost a penny with $5 shipping, LOL. It still works and it's been over a year now. I'll wait and see if it drops the bomb soon, but I couldn't beat the price so I went for it.
Yeah, that's an awesome deal. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I've never had an SD card go bad on me... in all my years of digital cameras, pda, gps, etc.

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