US Map Subscription Now Available

Yep, indeed it is. $47.80 / year for a 4 map update sequence. I went ahead and did it. It actually says "US$ 11.95 per quarter" in the top right where the Red/Green light shows if you're map is up-to-date.
I'd caution those using the subscription.

I checked the upcoming May map (currently live on google maps), and it introduced more errors than it fixed for me. In fact many of the new errors are near corrections I submitted. Seems like there is a bug with the crowdsourcing. Hope tomtom fixes this before giving it to us.

And we'll now have to back up our maps prior to upgrades, just like backing up our applications.
In essence, if you still have 8.15 maps, you can buy the latest map PLUS the subscription for one year for less than the price users paid for the 8.25 map in the past couple of weeks. Around $14 for the current map plus about $48 for the next 4 updates. Correct?
It is $11.95 per map update, sold as a group of 4, total $47.80, so yes - close enough, but slightly cheaper than you stated. I am using the North_America_2GB map, so - your mileage may vary.
Its about time they did a subscription. I am guessing they will get a lot more people buying maps more often. I know I will. :D
I have the 8.15 map and it tells me it would cost 9 Euro to upgarde to the latest map and 39 Euro for the next 4 maps. What would an upgrade cost someone with a 2 year old map for example?

Is there a price advantage for someone who upgrades right away as compared to someone who waits a year or two before upgrading?
The way it works is the cost to update to the current map goes up the longer it's been since your map was 'current'. So, yes, it'll cost you more to get to 825 with a 2-year old map than it would with a 1-year old map and less if your map is 6-months old, etc.
went ahead a purchased this. Had map 8.15 and was offered 8.25 for 11.95 and quarterly updates @ 11.95. Just noticed the US tomtom website says 9.95 per quarter though? Whats with that?
new norrth american map subscription

downloaded the map 825 with no problem BUT when I tried to add my old favorites mapsettings.cfg it causes my tom tom to loop even with a application redownload. Anybody have any advice?
Copy over old MapSettings file. In Home delete one of your favourites. See if the old file 'takes'.
How does the subscription handle those of us with both European and North American maps on our devices? By signing up for this service do I only get updates to my NA maps or both?
Go to Manage Maps and select the European map. Now connect to Home and see what's offered. If unclear, give a call to support at 866-486-6866 for clarification.
went ahead a purchased this. Had map 8.15 and was offered 8.25 for 11.95 and quarterly updates @ 11.95. Just noticed the US tomtom website says 9.95 per quarter though? Whats with that?

I'm pretty sure it says "starting at $9.95 per quarter"... which likely means the regional maps are $9.95 a quarter and the NA map is $11.95

(I noticed that price difference as well)
Interesting how those of us in Canada seem to get pricing in Euros rather than in U.S. dollars even though we are right next door t the U.S.
Using a currency converter at today's exchange rate, the price in Canadian $$ is: Euro 39.80 to CDN $ = $65.64 CDN
However, if I change my location in HOME to the U.S. I'll get the same offer in U.S. dollars where the rate is U.S. $47.80 to CDN = $61.80 CDN.
Close, but it's $4 less to convert from American dollars. I'm not sure if Canadians can make the purchase this way though. Plus I believe some credit card companies (or was it ING Direct if you debit your account?) charge not only for conversion BUT if the amount is in a foreign currency then they convert first to U.S. dollars THEN convert again to CDN dollars and of course you lose twice on the conversion so the CDN amount will end up being closer to $70 after the conversion/s.
However, it's still a better deal than the previous cost to purchase a single map. I've got 8.25 maps so I can afford to wait a bit before making a purchase.
Anyway that's my 2 cents worth (or 1.2 cents CDN)
Just noticed the same message on HOME. For some reason the price is in Euros for us Canucks. I checked on the latest Google map, and my home town is still missing many streets that have been here for many years. The highway from my town to the next is still incorrect, even though I fixed it and included it with MapShare. The small city next to me is missing huge sections that have been in existance for several years as well.

Think I will pass on a new map until I see some improvement.

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Any idea why I am not seeing this option?

I have maps v8.15 and the latest version of Home. I want to sign up for this since I just purchased 8.15 3 months ago and want as much of a discount as possible on 8.25 and to get started on quarterly updates.


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