TT One IQ Routes - formatting, updating & maps not found

May 16, 2010
Ive been following the threads on this forum but am unable to cross the final hurdle in getting my TT back together again. Hopefully one of you can help me.

I had a problem with my TT and TT HOME and so performed an explorer backup to my computer. I then attempted to format the TT using FAT 32/full format - however, this did not work. Windows reported an error "Cant complete the format" or something like that. I then went tot he command prompt in windows and tried a format there using the format f: \etc. etc, again for FAT32 full format. The DOS prompt told me I had a bad sector and the disk was unusable. I then perfomed a FAT32 quick format and the TT formatted OK. I performed a chkdsk /f and again the TT reported no problems (I dont recall the file allocations etc, if its important let me know and I will do the chkdsk again).

Time to restor the files to TT...
I copied all the files from my computer back to the TT. I deleted the "loose files" from the root directory and maintained the directory structure. Then, using TT HOME I performed an update.

The problem: My TT still tells me Maps Not Found.

However, on my TT there I have a directory called "Western_and Central_Europe_2GB" (My TT was issued with western & central europe). The directory is full of files with ".OV2, .DCT, .DAT, .CFG" extensions. The largest file is a file called tables.dat.

Can one of you provide me some help? Why cant my TT see my western europe maps? What else can I do to get my maps back?
If the root cause is my FAT32 quick format - can you tell me how I get passed the full format resulting in formatting errors?
Do you have a file in the map folder looking like <map name>.meta.dict?

If that is all there, (have to ask this question...) was the map obtained from TomTom?

If the answer to both questions is 'yes', then try the Clear Flash tool found at Install and run it 3 times.
Thanks for the reply DHN...

To answer your questions: I have found the "...meta.dct" file it is 1kB in size and is on the TT. My TT was delivered with western & central europe installed as standard.

Will feedback on how I go with the fix.
Hello again DHN,

I have used the clear flash tool three times and checked the unit to see if the maps had returned - alas no. I am in the process of reformatting to see if that works...
One thing I wanted to check with you though - I have seen from other posts regarding getting maps onto the TT and you mention that map files should be put in a directory called your_map_name and the map file should be called your_map_name.meta.dct. In my map file the directory is called Western_and_Central_Europe_2GB and the map file in that directory is called Western_and_Central_Europe_2GB-26.meta.dct. Could this be why my TT cannot see the maps - an incorrect file name?

I will keep progressing with my format and updates etc and wont change any filenames until I hear back from you.
Ive tried the clear flash a couple of times, reformated the disk twice (using quick format since the full format still does not work) and changed the map file names. Still the maps are not visible... :(

Any suggestions?

I have had a look at my Western_and_Central_Europe_2GB directory and have deleted the files I downloaded yesterday to see if that helped - it didnt. I have some 51 files in the map directory, im not sure if that is normal?
Having a numeric extension on the .meta.dct file is not the problem (that's normal).

I forget, or do not this map the original map or an upgraded map that won't install properly?
The map was an original map, but I recall trying to use the map share function... Anyway, changing the file name didnt work - the TT could still not find the maps.
What precise TomTom moderl do you have? What application is on the unit? (tap the satellite bars to see).

Use Explorer to look at the contents of the Western_Europe map folder on your unit and you'll need a file with the extension of .pna. Open with Notepad and it'll tell you the map version on the unit.

Also, connect to Home, Manage my Device. What, if anything, does it show for a map (click more info) on the Device? When you click the computer tab, does it show a map listed there?

Lastly, did you get this model new or did you get it from someplace online such as ebay?
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What precise TomTom moderl do you have? What application is on the unit? (tap the satellite bars to see).

Use Explorer to look at the contents of the Western_Europe map folder on your unit and you'll need a file with the extension of .pna. Open with Notepad and it'll tell you the map version on the unit.

Also, connect to Home, Manage my Device. What, if anything, does it show for a map (click more info) on the Device? When you click the computer tab, does it show a map listed there?

Lastly, did you get this model new or did you get it from someplace online such as ebay?

The TT model I have is a TT ONE IQ Routes/140 2GB. I have updated the TT with the latest application software via TT HOME version 9.026.

The pna file in my western europe folder shows the following information:

When I connect to the device using TT HOME and use manage my device and look at Items on the device, I do not have a map drop-down menu.

My TT was purcashed from a reputable media store, not via e-bay or similar.
I'm stymied, Andrew. There must be something I'm missing here because all the information you have provided (proper application, reasonably recent map version, proper files where they should be...) makes it seem that things should be ok.

Is the unit under warranty by any chance??

I know you've tried this all before but maybe this time.............

Make an Explorer backup of everything. Format the unit (I'm concerned that your original effort was not successful for a fat32 non quickformat).

And a restore...........
When I get home to the PC I will post an update with a full listing of the files that should be in the Western_Europe_2GB v825 map folder including the file size, you can use this to make sure all the necessary files are present in the folder - Mike
Thanks dhn and Mike

If you could let me know the bare essentials that need to be in the map folder that would be great. I have a lot of speed camera downloads as well as a couple of files that have ended up with 0bytes file size. If I try and delete some of the unecessary stuff I may delete siome corrupted files that are causing the map to not be recognised.

Regarding the full format...I really cant get this to work with my current knowledge of windows and TT. I have tried the front USB ports, the rear ports, full formats from the DOS prompt and using the disk management utility in control panel - still I get the same error "unable to complete format". Is there a brute force method to get a full format through the drive? Perhaps a method that bypasses some of the windows "safety" functions to format the TT? I saw on another post somthing about a killdisk application, but this may only be relevent for removable SD cards??

You also mentioned the warranty. I purchased my TT in October 2009, however when I checked teh TT website and the warranty info loaded on the TT itself it only mentioned a 1 year hardware warranty. Have you heard of TT replacing the device when there are software glitches?
Here you go:

Note, the cspeech_xyz.dat files are to do with the Advanced Speech Recognition and are something I often remove to save space on the device as they aren't required unless you use the ASR funtion - Mike
Andrew, a one year warranty will cover software issues as well. Give TT a call.

The number for your country:

020 850 10 07
Maandag - Vrijdag:
09.00 - 18.30
Some feedback...

the problem with my TT is now solved and it is back to working properly again.

I checked the file listing posted by Mike and found that my version of the western europe map folder was missing a number of files. Namely the files starting with c* (,,, etc) but excluding cspeech.

I got in touch with TT here in the netherlands and they requested some screen shots of the map folder on the TT and the TT configuration file. TT were able to see my map folder was corrupted. To solve the problem TT loaded a new western europe map to my TT account for me to download via TT home.

A few hours later the map folder was reinstated on my TT and all working OK. I now have uncorrupted explorer backup and a back up via TT home for emergency use.

Out of this exercise I have learnt two very valuable lessons...
1. Keep a proper backup of the TT using windows explorer;
2. Label my USB cables properly to make sure I use the correct cable with the TT and not the cables from other gadgets (camera, ipod, etc). I believe I orignally corrputed my TT when I used the wrong cable to connect it to the computer - I used a "thin" USB cable as opposed to the "thicker" TT-supplied cable!:eek:

Keep up the good work on the forum dhn, Mike and other super-users. Thanks

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