TomTom XL 340TM - routing is avoiding LEFT turns at all cost

Dec 23, 2010

I am finding my TomTom XL 340TM is trying to avoid LEFT turns at all cost:

1. it would go all the way to the next highway exit and route back (wasting 2x distance of one highway exit!) -- even if the destination is right on the highway exit--but you need to make a left turn.

2. it would make a right turn, and then around the block in full circle--to avoid making a left turn(!)

Sorry, I'd prefer making a left/U-turn if the destination is just on the left corner/the other side of the road and LEFT/U turn is allowed. I really dont' want to drive around a circle just to avoid a left turn, or go all the way to the next exit--and come right back--when the destination is right here on the left!

How do I disable the behavior of avoiding LEFT/U turns *if* allowed?
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A known issue where the mapping data incorrectly does not recognize a break in the roadway where a turn can be made.

I believe supermod mvl came up with a solution using mapshare to mark both road segments as 2-way (or something like that.........:eek:).

Look for him (or somebody else, maybe) to pop into this thread with additional infprmation that may assist you.
Can you post example routes where this happens?

Sometimes there are workarounds possible, often there aren't
Here is an example:

Depart From:
170 South Market Street
San Jose, CA 95113

10983 North Wolfe Road
Cupertino, CA 95014

The destination is on the SW corner of N. Wolf Rd. and Homestead Road.

My normal driving habit:
Normally, I'd take the N. Wolf Road exit, and make a left-turn/U-turn on Homestead Road (there's a major traffic light right there)--that's right where the destination is.

TomTom :
It would go to the next exit (De Anza Blvd.), turn right into Homestead, and come back and make a right turn from Homestead Rd back into Wolf Road.

The map version I have is US_Canada_Mexico: v.845.2670.

I have seen other cases where the behavior is even more weird--it'd skip the destination, go to the next street, make a left turn, and then *loop* indefinitely within the next block. If I locate that case I'd post that example also.
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You're facing the u-turn bug that all Tomtom's are known for. It affects divided roads everywhere in the USA.

It's the longest-unresolved, most complained-about bug on Tomtoms. But since Tomtom is based in Europe, where they have nearly no divided roads, they are stupidly not prioritizing fixing the issue.

What happens is, Tomtom chose to put an artificial 5 minute delay in U-turns, including moving to the other side of a divided road. So Tomtom will prefer taking you around the block if it's less than 5 minutes out-of-the-way.

There's a workaround in mapshare, but you have to do it block-by-block everywhere. If you're in a neighborhood that has a lot of these divided roads (usually cities built in the 80's and later), I suggest returning the Tomtom and getting another brand.
It's just a bit hard to believe. It's not taking me to the next block. It is taking me to the *next highway exit*. :(

In the US, left-turn lights are often given priority. So it's not even a delay. It is faster to make a U-turn (although there are a few exceptions on certain roads during traffic hours).

In any case, I just won't want to drive around the block like this. They should just leave this out and let the user decide, particularly if it's on the *last turn* to get to the destination. It is frustrating to see this kind of direction.

The thing is, it doesn't take more than 10 minutes to fix this bug (just remove the delay). Or, add an option to allow the user to disable this delay.
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You're facing the u-turn bug that all Tomtom's are known for. It affects divided roads everywhere in the USA.

It's the longest-unresolved, most complained-about bug on Tomtoms. But since Tomtom is based in Europe, where they have nearly no divided roads, they are stupidly not prioritizing fixing the issue.

What happens is, Tomtom chose to put an artificial 5 minute delay in U-turns, including moving to the other side of a divided road. So Tomtom will prefer taking you around the block if it's less than 5 minutes out-of-the-way.

There's a workaround in mapshare, but you have to do it block-by-block everywhere. If you're in a neighborhood that has a lot of these divided roads (usually cities built in the 80's and later), I suggest returning the Tomtom and getting another brand.

Is this really true? I really can't afford to return the TomTom. I currently live in Fresno, where this division is clearly predominant. Is there anything that can be done? I love everything about my TomTom except I don't understand why I can't simply do a U-turn and go out of my way to avoid it. A simple example:

452 W Nees Ave, Fresno, CA to 7733 N 1st St, Fresno, CA

I should be able to make a single U-turn to go down Nees Ave towards the destination.
Local knowledge is always better than any gps unit. If you are travelling a route and see you CAN make a U-turn, then do it. The gps will recalculate within a few seconds.

Believe me when I say that Tomtom knows about the U-turn problem and so far has not chosen to improve their routing algorithms for any maps.

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