The 730 is turning itself off.

Oct 30, 2009
This has started happening since I updated the firmware. It just occasionally shuts itself off and can be very irritating.

Also, when I'm searching an address, it fails to store the address into the memory for later use (there is even an error message stating this). Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.
Sorry, I don't remember it exactly, but it was something along the lines of: "Error, cannot install memory of map" after I choose a destination.

Also, whenever I'm driving and I stop and park for a few minutes, it will freeze and reset itself. This all only started after updating to new firmware, I never used to have these problems when using old firmware.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
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Have you tried a reset on your unit? Also, download and run the Clear Flash tool found here Run it 3 times.
Thanks for the help, you saved me a lot of trouble. I ran the flash clear 3 times and now it's back to normal. I was going to send it into TomTom for servicing.

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