Sydney Speed Cameras - Questions

Feb 26, 2014
TomTom Model(s)
Hi guys,

I was lent a TomTom Viva and noticed camera alerts seem to be based on the direction you're traveling. I'd always assumed that the cameras were capable of detecting travel in both directions.

Does the iphone app have this direction functionality?

I've been wondering about this and have some questions:
  1. Are the same cameras used throughout Sydney or NSW or Australia?
  2. Can ANY camera detect speeding in both directions?
  3. Is the camera always monitoring the side of the road that it is installed on?
  4. Do some cameras catch traffic moving towards the camera? And other cameras moving away from the camera?
  5. How does this relate to red light cameras and speed/red light cameras?
I'm not sure I can really help, but am interested to find out any better responses...

1. No, there are new cams and ones with surveillance, number plate recognition and other capabilities
2. I think some of the newer ones can
3+. See #2
I can't comment on the cameras in Sydney, but in the UK most cameras are only "type approved" for use in one direction. "Gatso" cameras and "Monitrons" are usually only rear-facing and "Truvelo" cameras are only front-facing.

If you want to research it yourself, you could try looking on any government sites for those type-approval documents.

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