Starting a conversation


Feb 21, 2023
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
Can Admin or mods help me please, i am trying to start a conversation with a member but when i try to send it i get this message.
Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please start a conversation with one of the following staff members: Ian

Any help would be appreciated.
I tried to message Ian but had no reply and i noticed he's not been active since 2nd August

@canderson @Ian
The best if you have a problem with your GPS is to ask the question on the forum.

The moderator wrote:
please note that the contact form is not designed for requests for technical support - which is provided directly on our forums, so that other members can benefit from the solution.

Ian is the Admin of this site; that said, I don't believe he checks in on a daily basis. The forum software may be such that a user can't send a private message until a minimum number of posts in the forums takes place.

Ian is the Admin of this site; that said, I don't believe he checks in on a daily basis. The forum software may be such that a user can't send a private message until a minimum number of posts in the forums takes place.
Thanks @dhn , he's just replied and i'm in contact with him.

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