Problem with 6200

May 25, 2020
<img src="/styles/default/custom/flags/gb.png" alt="United Kingdom" /> United Kingdom
TomTom Model(s)
6200 6250 5150
Can anyone help me to recover my 6200 which has a problem with no satellite, it keeps going out of range and failing causing lost time etc.
i spoke to tom tom and tried the recovery steps, but when the screen was white with text i switched on fast 3 times as instructed to no avail.
i have brought a new 6250 and i notice this is taking time to get a signal, im wondering if my drive is corrupted and i cannot get hold of anyone at tom tom.
i would appreciate any help if possible on how to sort this out
If I am understanding, both your old 6200 and new 6250 are having obtaining a satellite lock?
It's a fairly rare condition, which leads me to wonder if there is an environmental reason that both are having difficulty.
Please advise vehicle type (if an auto, make and year).
Further, please advise where your 6250 is parked when you first attempt to get a lock when it powers up.

I do not understand what you might mean about 'drive corrupted'. On your PC?
Thanks for your response, I was actually told by tom tom that was the problem, it was corrupted,the 6200 has been fantastic in Europe.
I downloaded a new map and that is when the problem started,
Also the 6250 hasn't been tested as yet, but I'm having doubts already as it took a while to get a signal today
Let's start with the 6250. It is traditional that the device takes some time to get its very first satellite fix when it is taken to a new location or unused over an extended period of time. It doesn't know where the satellites are, and it must download that information from one of the satellites (called 'almanac' data) first. So I would not be concerned at all over this. Worst case, it takes about 10-1/2 minutes to do so, but it's not common that it will take that long on its first attempt. After that, it should achieve a lock quickly.

As to your 6200, and to be clear again, are they saying the problem is the 6200 or the hard drive on your PC? Neither makes any sense at the moment.
Is it the case that the 6200 keeps losing and regaining satellite lock? Do I understand that correctly?

Let us know how you get on with your 6250. If that is problematic as well, then we have a different problem to solve.
Thanks for your response, I will try the 6250 tomorrow, I appreciate your comments and hope I can provide a happy response.
I am going to send the 6200 back to tom to sort out, it's been a great piece of kit getting me to many locations in Europe.
I feel a lot happier after reading your comments.
I've been frustrated more than once when I take mine when I travel, and realize it's going to be a couple of minutes in the rental car park while the thing sorts itself out. I always mark a waypoint for the rental lot so that I can find my way back to it at the end of the trip!
6250 has been road tested today, been very well behaved I'm pleased to say.
All I need to do now is get the 6200 sorted, I have tried the recovery but without success, I cannot get it to connect, so I think I will send it to Tom to get it sorted.
Thank you everyone for your advice and your time.

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